Chapter 8

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I told Brenna. I was scared. Scared she would lock me out. Scared she would hate me. But she took it all in. Tried to talk sense into me. I'm not sure if it worked. I don't know what to do. I can't live like a normal person. I can't go a day without crying anymore.

No one sees that side of me. Now Brenna knows about it. I hold up my strong walls most of the time. I can't afford for people to see me in my weakness.

People come up to me and ask me for advice and help. Some people just come to vent. So I help who I can. It makes me feel good. After I help people, they come back later and stab me in the back. It hurts. It crushes me. I tried to help them, and they decide it wasn't anything special. Even the smallest things break me. I can't control myself when I'm alone.

God doesn't care about me. My family doesn't either. Only Nick and Brenna do, but when I mess up and they have a reason to be mad, it breaks me. I lose a piece of myself every time I wrong them. I can't live without either of them. They are my hope.

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