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Her hand gripped the sheets tightly. Her head was caving into the soft pillows, while the sheets draped over her body. She woke abruptly, her hair detaching from the pillow while the covers whipped off of her. Her breath quickened and her heart rate slowly started to decrease. She collapsed back onto the bed, sighing. She had a nightmare.

Merida rolled over, gazing at the clock. 1:45, she couldn't fall asleep. Her head rushed with worries as in the morning she had to wake and go into college to take finals. And since she was in college, and in a dorm, she had to have a roommate who she could split the rent with.

Merida groaned at her silly idea that just popped into her head, but it was the only one she had with her half-awake self. She pushed the sheets off of her and rolled out of bed.

She slowly creeped to her roommates bedroom and softly opened the door. It creaked. It didn't wake him. She sighed.

Merida shook him awake, quietly whispering his name,"Hiccup. Hiccup. Wake up ye fishbone." He groaned and cracked open an eye. Noticing who it was he opened is other eye and sat up.

"What do you want Mer, it's like," he glanced over to his clock, "two in the morning." Merida quietly giggled, rubbing her arm insecurely. "Um... I - I can't sleep." "So?" Hiccup said, curling back into the blankets and closing his eyes.

Merida sighed, "Can I - can I sleep with you?" Hiccup immediately opened his eyes and rolled over to face her, "Uh - um - yeah, sure." He moved over to make space for her and faced away, gazing out the window across the room.

Merida climbed into the bed, her cheeks burning up. She turned away from Hiccup and stared at the door, finding this more uncomfortable, then when she was in her own bed.

Merida her the sheets move, her whole face felt like it was on fire. Hiccup's arms slowly wrapped around her, pulling her back closer to his chest. His head laid against her mane of curls.

Merida simply smiled at Hiccup's action and rested her hands on his, which were securely wrapped around her waist.

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