Chapter 2

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      It's the week after the shooting and I am still carrying that weight of shock, disbelief, and fear on my shoulders. Emelynn was my rock. She would always pick me up and hold me until I was okay enough to put down. Honestly, I don't know how she put up with me, Emelynn Grace My best friend, my other half, my partner in crime, will always be there on my side when I look over. No matter if she's gone or not. They always say, once someone goes, you eventually forget and move on. I will never move on. I will never stop remembering.

I'm sitting at the lunch table alone. After Emelynn's loss, I kind of had no one. By kind of, I mean just no one. My dad is always working and my mom, well, moving on. Emelynn was actually my only friend. I guess everyone just saw how deep our friendship was and never bothered to join in.

"Um, Lana?" says a voice from behind me.

I look over my shoulder and it's the most popular girl in eighth grade, Marli.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Do you mind if I sit with you? I know you've been going through a lot-" She pauses.

I feel the tears swelling up but I try my hardest to hold them back. One comes down my face like a tumbleweed and I face the opposite way and look down.

"I don't mind," I say.

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