Chapter 1

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      The health teacher is talking and I'm drifting off to sleep. Health was never my thing. One reason why I'm not even thinking of being a doctor.

"Everyone! Get to safety! We have an intruder in the building!" Calls the muffled loud speaker.

This grabs my attention and my heart drops to my stomach. Nothing like this has ever happened to me while I was at school, or even anywhere. Yeah, we have drills, but the worst that's happened here at Forest Heights Junior High is a bus breaking down.


Emelynn looks over at me confused and worried. There is a man with a black mask on behind her with the gun pointed to her head. I see his finger grab the trigger.

"No!" I yell.

Then I hear the shots go off and smell the cordite. Emelynn, my best friend, my sister, she's gone. I just sit there under the desk in shock while everyone else is running around. This isn't possible, and I can't understand why it's happening. 

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