◆08:00 pm; Oct 17, 2014◆

Começar do início

He noticed that Sri, indeed, had fallen asleep while he had been sobbing like a baby. Nothing was as peaceful as watching his daughter sleep, her face was chubby, and thus her small lips puckered out making them look plumper. Akriti took her from him and carried her to Sri's room. Even though, she was kid, she had been stubborn to have her own little room.

Sparsh didn't move. Guilt had consumed him, his each cell crying for his misbehaviour. He saw Akriti standing in front of his kneeled form and faced her. He didn't say a word and she didn't pry. It always had been like this.

His knees slid over the floor, making him move forward but he still hadn't said anything. He couldn't take her silence anymore, and surrendered himself by circling his arms and hugging her. He placed his head on her stomach and closed his eyes, attempting to shut out the world from his vision.

He could never be able to see her cry, he never had been. Akriti never had cried. She was an iron woman for him, always smiling and hiding her pains, shielding herself.

He had found that this hard exterior was born out of her trusting issues. Her sharp gaze had held softness deep within them, which he had seen every time when they made love. It always had consumed him in their depth and he loved every ounce of her hard falsehood. Wasn't she vulnerable in his hands? And that made him to drown in her, make him equally vulnerable in her presence.

It was like an origami to him, each complicated fold of her soul made her exquisite. And he loved her origami.

"It is okay, Sparsh." he heard her voice, it trembled with each syllable and his heart pained more.

"Sparsh... Please stop." her fingers were now twirling his curly hair, "You are crying. And if you are here, trying to please me, then this is not what I consider as pleasing."

He choked, a laugh escaping from his mouth, "Akriti, your sarcasm is on time."

"Ah... I see..."

"From few years, why we never shared anything with each other?" he still not dared to face her.

"Because we had thought that the bottle of our love syrup was emptied..."

"Do you think so?"

"But we forgot that the bottle was a magical one, it never failed to refill itself once empty..."

"And we denied it?"

"No, our eyes had duped. You see, bottle was in black colour and thus our eyes fooled us..."

"Akriti, what are you blabbering?"

"I am not blabbering. It is true, Sparsh."

"What, the bottle of love?"


He shook his head, "You read too many books."

"And you are also a bookworm."

He wiped his eyes, "Yes, I am. But I have no skill to make a story."

Her face was tear-stained, "And your wife has it abundantly."

He stood straight, "Yes, she has it." his thumb brushed her lips and her breath hitched, "She has a lot of things in her mind and feels that sharing it with her husband would make her weak." he kissed her eyes, "She over thinks everything and then believes what she wants." his lips pecked the tip of her nose, "Then she stops talking to her love, shuts him out of her beautiful life."

She was shivering, anticipating his lips somewhere else and he gifted what she needed. It had been a long time for them, kissing each other with so much passion and love. Their first kiss was after two years of dating, Sparsh finally had managed to drag her out of her strict demeanour, and that kiss was like this one.

He pulled back, panting, "But then he kisses her and she forgives and they have mind blowing sex afterwards, applying the tips from 'Thousand and One ways to romance with your partner'. The End."

Her right hand flew towards his face and he felt a sharp sting on his cheeks. But he was laughing, laughing at her anger at him for making a crude comment.

"Stupid." and with that she grabbed his face and kissed him.

Sparsh was smiling. He still didn't understand how she was able to handle him and his comments. His chivalry was only limited to his notes back then, and he had thought that she would leave him then. But she wasn't like her other girlfriends. Obviously, she was different, his shona wife, his Akriti.

She had changed his world, moulding it into something unique. After all, she was Akriti. One who had shaped him and his happiness, painted the heavenly art of his soul with her own.

Akriti- a figure of love.




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I hope you enjoyed this story, as I enjoyed writing it. Just a small note- I have edited something in previous chapters as many readers found it confusing that where were the notes found? Even in this chapter at the starting I have added a location. Hope it clears your doubts.



Heart ClipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora