◆07:07 am; Oct 11, 2014◆

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-their bedroom-


I... God!

It was an international meet that day and I had called you later. When you didn't receive or called back I thought... Fuck! Why I thought that you are cool with it!?

I know that I don't deserve to get a chance to explain myself, but I am sorry.

I never thought that you were suffering. I was being a dick and... I was depressed, Akriti.

Truth was... I was depressed. I thought that our small fights would end soon and we would have a smooth life, which never happened. There was always something which kept us far away.

I had pondered over it many times but couldn't put a finger on it. It wasn't your fault and as I said, being a stupid didn't help me to correct myself.

And when Latika called me to help her to find a new home, I thought to go along with it. Why not? I am an architect, right?

No... I wanted someone to listen to my problem. I don't know what came over me as I started talking to her. Remember, I had told you that she was my childhood buddy before we had started dating and she actually... she was nice to me, Akriti. She advised that I should talk to you rather than messing my problems with my brain.

It wasn't anything between Latika and I, but I never thought that you are hurting over that.

I...I am sorry for everything I did.

I am too smart for myself and too stupid for you.


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