Chapter 3: My Little Lover Boy

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I was kissing him again. Then he picked me up and chucked my into the lake. I woke up. We're by the lake still and it's dark out, we must have been sleeping for hours and by looks of things Sev has fallen asleep too. I soon realised the source of the wetness, it was raining and pretty hard too. "Sev wake up!" I said shaking him.
"Huh..What? Oh geeze!" It had started raining even harder and we couldn't see a thing. He grabbed my wrist and his wand and shouted "LUMOS!" We could finally see what was going on, the rain still pouring down. "Hurry we need to get back into the castle. I have no idea of the time but it's pretty late." Continuing to hold my wrist he dragged the both of us through the muddy grounds and back up to the castle. We were both drenched.

We finally made it back. And we both looked as though we had been swimming in the lake with our clothes on. "Hey at least it's warm now." He laughed as he splashes mud and water everywhere. We started to walk, leaving a trail as we went towards the Great Hall when we realised we had missed dinner so we decided to head straight for the common room. "Why'd you look so worried for?" He asked "We'll be fine as long as we don't get caught." He spoke too soon. At that point we could hear someone walking quickly in the hallway opposite us, we listened carefully to realise it was Dumbledore and McGonagall. We looked at eachother  with shocked expressions. "Quick." Sev whispers as he starts running I follow but I'm no where near as fast as him, he soon realised this and turned back around and grabbed hold of my hand. Oh how his hand was soft and how he's strong to pull me towards him. We were a little slower than normal due to the sheer weight the water put onto our clothes. As we run towards the common room he shouts the password "Chocolate Frogs", mine and his favourite type of chocolate. And we ran through the door.

We were both out of breath and wetting our selves laughing as we entered the room but what I didn't realise is that he had stopped to take his cloak off, I continued to run until I was about a metre away from him, I stopped, slipping on his half removed cloak and fell to the floor. He went to grab me but he too fell, he'd managed to get his leg caught in the cloak as well and lands, right on top of me. 

We lay there laughing at eachother. Damn he looks so sexy. The way his wet shirt sits and clings to his muscles and arms. I bite my lip. How badly I wanted to kiss
I finally come back into the real world and realised he was staring at me. Had he been looking the whole time?
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm fine, apart from the fact your wand is sticking into my leg!" I laugh. He blushes and looks to the left. I wasn't sure why until I too looked to the left, there on the floor was his wand where he'd dropped it after he tried to save me from the fall. Then I knew exactly what had been sticking into my leg. He shuffles around a bit as if to re-adjust himself. I closed my eyes.  You idiot you absolute idiot egh. You foo... I was cut off something was pressing against my lips, something soft and wet. He's kissing me... SEVERUS SNAPE IS KISSING ME?!  Stop talking to yourself and kiss back! I kiss back and the kiss becomes more passionate. It felt like we were there for hours until he finally pulled away. "I've wanted to do that for a while now" He whispers then smirks biting his lip. "Me too." We both laugh at eachother. "You comfy there babe?" OHMIGOSH HE CALLED ME BABE I started to blush again. "Not really the floor is killing my back." I giggle. "Oh okay." He mutters still blushing.
He jumps up and gives out a hand for me. "Thanks." I say.
"" He says scratching the back of his head. "Guess we should.. Er.. Go to bed?" I could tell he didn't want to leave now, neither did I. As he went to walk away I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. "Please don't leave." I whisper. He smirks and our lips meet again, this time more aggressively and he pushes me towards the wall. This is lovely, the man of my dreams here now, it's actually happening and I love it. He puts a hand on my waist and one on the wall. I need to get his shirt off. I start to unbutton his shirt which was quite hard to do whilst making out with someone, he realises what I'm doing and helps. He practically rips his shirt off. Wow he's so hot, his muscles, his dark hair and how it contrasts with his pale body. I love him, I know I do. I rub his arm. I can feel him smiling and I start smiling too. That's when he placed his hands on my hips and lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and we headed for his dorm room.

Hey sorry this one is quite long but I hope you enjoyed it :D

Little Lover Boy (Teenage Snape X OC Charlotte Walters)Where stories live. Discover now