Chapter 1

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Hi! So here is the first chapter :) I hope you enjoy it! x

My inner fan girl started freaking out. Jack and Finn, Marcus Butler, Alfie Deyes, Caspar Lee and Sam Pepper were all doing a meet tomorrow at 11 am, at a park near to where I was staying. I was so going to that! I retweeted and favourites the tweet, and then started jumping around my new kitchen, excited about the fact I was going to meet my idols!

I barely slept that night. All I could do was think about the fact that I was going to meet them! Not only were they my favourite YouTubers, they were also very attractive, especially Jack and Finn. 

When the alarm went off in the morning, I groaned and hit snooze. Suddenly my phone started tweeting again. I rolled out of bed; zombie walked to my phone and read the tweet by Jack. It said:

'So excited to meet some viewers today with some very close friends... Can't wait to see your cheeky faces J'

I began buzzing with excitement. I quickly jumped in the shower, and blow dried my waist length hair, loosely curling it. I then got dressed into a pair of washed out denim skinny jeans, a white T-shirt saying 'I <3 YouTube' on it and a black coat, and put on some black vans. I put on my usual minimal amount of makeup and left the house. 

As I approached the park (I waked because I'm healthy kind of) I began to feel a bit nervous. Lots of girls who looked the same age as me were headed there too, and most were much prettier than me. I managed to distract myself from that thought by thinking about the fact that Jack and Finn and other awesome YouTubers were just 3 minutes away. I smiled to myself, thinking about looking into Jack and Finn's beautiful greeny grey eyes in person

When I arrived in the park, there was already a sizeable crowd gathering, and from what I could tell, it was mainly made up of pretty teenage girls. 'Great', I thought to myself, 'I have a lot of competition!' There seemed to be a small stage set up, and as I tried to get a closer look, I saw them. “OH. MY. GOD!” I whispered, trying not to completely freak out. I didn’t want to scare them off. Once I got further into the crowd I heard a girl screaming to her friend about the fact they were meeting us individually! By now it was taking all the strength I had not to start jumping up and down like a crazy person.

Just then, a huge “Heeeellllloooooo!” echoed from the stage. I smiled to myself, recognising it as the voice of Marcus Butler. (Hahaha, I know you read that in his voice J)

Everyone started laughing, including Marcus and Alfie, who were almost crying with laughter. There laughs were so contagious that soon the whole crowd were in fits of laughter. When finally everyone calmed down, they stood there for a while, wiping the tears of their faces. Then it was Alfie’s go. “What’s up guys???” he yelled, copying his video introduction as Marcus had done. For a while it was just them stood on the stage, mocking each other and making everyone smile non-stop.

Then Sam and Caspar came on stage and said a huge “HELLO!!!” to the crowd. They joked amongst themselves for a while, getting everyone in the crowd excited. Some girls next to me who looked 16 or 17 turned around to me.

“Hey! I’m Caitlin and this is Naomi! What’s your name?” At first I was a bit surprised, but I managed to reply back.

“I’m Jessica, Jess for short” I said, smiling shyly. Caitlin had straight, auburn hair that reached her waist, and Naomi had light brown hair with ombre ends that reached 3 inches below her shoulders.

“You can call me Kat for short”, Caitlin (or Kat) replied. ”So, who’s your favourite? Who are you most looking forward to meeting?” She looked really excited, and I was glad that I had possibly made some new friends.

“I can’t wait to meet Caspar!” Naomi blurted out. Me and Kat started laughing, and she blushed slightly, but then joined in.

“You mean the South African slut?” I joked, which made them laugh even harder. She nodded, barely being able to breath. “I’m looking forward to meeting Jack and Finn!” The thought of them made me grin uncontrollably, and soon Kat and Naomi were poking me in the arm and stomach, teasing me.

“Look who has a crush on the Harries twins” Kat said, making my cheeks turn bright red. Soon we were laughing again. It felt so good to know that after just 5 minutes of talking, we felt like best friends. Kat managed to stop laughing again. “I’m looking forward to meeting Marcus! He’s so funny and I love him!” We giggled again, then turned our attention back to the stage. The four boys were introducing Jack and Finn!

My heart started beating really fast. This was it. I was finally going to see them in person, not just on my computer screen! Kat slipped me a piece of paper with her and Naomi’s number, email and twitter username.

“Just in case we don’t see you again today, text us tonight!” Naomi said, before Kat dragged her off to try and get a better view of Marcus. I waved goodbye, then looked up at the stage again. My heart and breathing stopped. I could see Jack and Finn!

The next 20 minutes passed in a blur. I could barely concentrate on what was being said, but I was still grinning from ear to ear, looking up at the twins in awe. They looked even hotter in real life. How is that even possible? (I’m sure many people would agree!) Suddenly, they announced that we could start to go and meet them. Before I had time to think, I was being pushed towards the direction of where they stood by the crowd of people. There was already a long queue, and it was growing by the second. I joined it, knowing I was in for a long wait. I didn’t care; it was going to be worth it!

Oh. My. God. I was next in line! “Breathe”, I whispered to myself, making sure I wasn’t going to freak out and scare everyone. I stepped up on the stage, nervously smoothing down my hair. The first person to greet me was Sam Pepper.

“Hey!” he said with enthusiasm, reaching out for a hug.

“Hi!” I replied, returning the hug. Was I seriously shaking? I pulled myself together as he pulled away.

“So, what’s your name?” he said, smiling at me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Marcus and Alfie sneaking up behind him, their fingers on their lips, telling me to not tell him.

“It’s Jessica! I’m 18.” I replied, trying to keep the laughter in. I’d always hated introducing myself, but because Sam wasn’t a complete stranger (I watched his videos) it didn’t feel awkward. Sam was about to reply, but Marcus and Alfie jumped onto his back, causing him to yell in shock and fall over, all of them on the floor laughing. I tried not to laugh, but ended up doing it anyway.

They all jumped up, then Sam introduced me. “Hi!” they both said simultaneously, and then burst out laughing again. I then hugged both of them, and they went over to get Caspar, Finn and Jack, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with them. When we got to them, I introduced myself once more. Caspar hugged me, picking me up and spinning me round. We ended up dizzy on the floor, giggling like little kids. He stood up, leaving me on the floor. Suddenly, two hands offered me help up. I looked up, and saw two pairs of eyes, both green with brown speckles. They belonged to Jack and Finn.

Hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter is more exciting, so please read it! I will probably upload it in the next day or two! Please don't forget to fan, vote and comment below if you are enjoying it/ have some suggestions!

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