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Note*; non-edited

Wooshin looked over at Sazome ''so..when are we gonna study?'' he asks ''can you not'' Sazome groans as Wooshin lightly hits her arm ''ya! get up we need to study!!'' ''can we just go out and eat some ramyun?'' ''no'' ''pleeeeeeaaaase just this time'' ''...'' ''hmmm?????'' ''araseo..'' Sazome jumps up to do a victory dance as she pulls Wooshins hand ''lets go!''.

both of them walked out the house down the streets silently looking for an open shop ''OI MY PHONE!!'' someone shouts behind them as someone runs between them with a phone in their hand as someone else follows mad pushing Wooshin and Sazome away from each other making Sazome almost fall before Wooshin accidently french dips her .

''W-Wooshin-ah'' she whispers eyes wide 'w-why am i feeling like this?' she thought shyly feeling her heart beat faster every millisecond , Wooshin stared deep into her eyes also blushing 'what a-am i doing?' he thought quickly letting her go before backing away ''well uhh you know its becoming late and i need to go now, bye!'' Wooshin ran away before she could even reply as she looks down pouting.

'well thanks for nothing'

'well thanks for nothing'

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{ A\N ; haaaaaiii guys, sorry for the long wait XD i was a little bit busy and btw thanks for all the love <3 yall favorites and comments are making me smile :D and im almost up to 200 reads :DDDDDD ***extra hyper and happy*** thank you so much guys! :3 }

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