Dear Romeo, I hate thee! Love, Juliet Chapter 11.

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Lucy POV:

I stared at the girl in the mirror, not believing it could be me. My hair went down my back and my dress flew out around me. Kelsey smiled from next to me and hugged me gently. I smiled and hugged her back.

Meghan came in and her eyes widen at the sight of me. " Oh Luce." Meghan said tears coming out of her eyes. I laughed and rushed up to hug her. " I know Meghan." I whispered. Then I pulled away cause I could hear the music.

My father came up to me and smiled. " Are you ready darling?" My father asked. I grabbed onto his arm and grinned. " I've been ready for this my whole life daddy. Just promise me when I'm gone you don't burn the house down." I said.

My dad laughed and smiled. " Deal." My dad said and then we started walking. Towards my future, towards Aaron, and towards my wedding.



" I wanna go! All the way, way! Taking out my freak tonight! I-I wanna show all the dirt!" I sang dancing around the house. Meghan was laughing and Kelsey was on the floor from laughing too hard.

It had been half a year since the ordeal with Kelsey and Ivana happened. Ivana was still missing, and would probaly never be found. I jumped off the table and Aaron walked in and smiled at me. " Hey Luce." Aaron said kissing me.

I kissed back and grinned at him. In two months we would be Bride and Husband! I couldn't wait. Aaron had asked me right after we left the theater. I said yes of course. Now I was going to be a Mrs.

Kelsey and Meghan both rolled their eyes and then Logan and Mark, the guy Kelsey was dating at the time, walked in and they stopped. Soon it was like make out city, I was kinda creeped out but I was too busy kissing Aaron to care.

Finally everyone but Meghan, Aaron, and me left and then Aaron went into his room. Meghan led me to her bedroom where I would be sleeping tonight.  I layed down on the black and purple bed and laughed.

Meghan laughed too and then she sat down. " Hey Luce?" Meghan said. I smiled and looked over at her. " Yes Meghan?" I said. Megfhan smiled and then frowned. " Will I ever marry Luke?" I was shocked and then I grinned.

" Yeah! You better!" I said hugging her. Meghan laughed and then we both went to sleep.

Luke POV:

" Aaron?" I asked him the next morning. Something had bothered me last night and I needed to ask Aaron about it. Aaron glanced up at me and dropped his waffle back on his plate. " What's wrong?" Aaron asked.

Damn I should've known he would realize that something was wrong! I blushed. " I want to marry Meghan!" I screamed and then I covered my mouth. Aaron's mouth dropped open and then I heard laughter.

I turned around and found two blue eyes starring back into mine. Lucy. Crap. Lucy grinned and then she walked past me. I gulped and shot Aaron a desperate look. Aaron shrugged and went back to his waffle.

" Lucy you can't tell her." I finally said. Lucy turned around slowly with a smirk on her face. " Oh Luke. What on earth are you talking about? Did you makeout session make you dizzy?" Lucy asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

I glared at her. " Haha funny. Don't tell Meghan about what you heard." Lucy grinned and then crossed her heart. " Your secret's safe with me." Lucy said before rushing up the stairs. I quickly followed her because I knew she was going to spill.

" LUCY GET BACK HERE!" I yelled and then I tackled her outside Meghan's door. Lucy kicked me in my face. THE FACE! Lucy stood and ran into Meghan's room. I groaned and put my face into the carpet. It was actually really soft.

I'm so dead. I looked at Meghan's door and put my face back down. Someone picked me up and put me back downstairs. Aaron. I sighed and snuggled into something. I heard a small laugh and then it was silent.

Aaron POV:

I shot Lucy a glare and she just smirked at me. I knew she was behind the whole ordeal with Luke and Meghan. Lucy hugged me though and I let it go; What can I say? I whipped and proud of it! Kinda.

Anyways Luka was knowing sleeping on Meghan and they were both hugging onto each other. It was obvious they were in love. Lucy took a picture and I rolled my eyes. " Really Lucy?" I said laughing.

Lucy raised her eyebrows at me and winked. " Sorry babe. I love a good romance." Lucy said walking past up and out the door. I watched her and wondered if she was talking about us.


Lucy POV:

Aaron was crying. What a baby! I couldn't help but smile and cry too. Aaron looked so handsome. I could teld he thought I looked good too. Hehe. Meghan and Kelsey winked at me and I rolled my eyes at them.

My dad dropped me off and sent Aaron a glare. I could read that clearly. Hurt her and you die. I smiled at my daddy and then held Aaron's hand. We turned and the priest guy started the wedding.

After forever, no offense to him or anything, the priest said my new favorite words " You may know kiss your bride." Aaron turned to me and I smirked up at him. Aaron leaned in and I grabbed onto his neck and kissed him.

Aaron's eyes went wide. As did the priest's. Oops. So sorry Father. I thought pulling back and smirking. Then we walked out of the church and we were married. I couldn't keep the smile off my face,

My mom and daddy were crying and smiling at me. Meghan and Kelsey were screaming their heads off and the boys were laughing. I turned to get into the limo and my eyes caught on someone elses.


Kelsey POV:

I watched Aaron and Lucy get into the limo went Lucy stopped moving. I could tell she was worried about something. I looked all around and finally I saw what was probaly the cause of Lucy's unhappiness.

Ivana was standing in the entrance of the church, Ivana was smiling and she was wearing a white dress. I glared at her and tapped Meghan on the shoulder. Meghan look at me in confusion and I pointed to Ivana.

Meghan gasped and then she did something surprising. Meghan ripped her poofy green dress and ran at Ivana. Ivana screamed and started to run with Meghan chasing after her. Luke followed them and Lucy started laughing.

Aaron pulled her into the limo and they drove off. I smirked and then ripped my dress so it was short. David's , my new boyfriend, eyes widen and I decided I really needed to break up with him when I got back.

I chased after Luke and Meghan thinking. Why does this stuff still happen to us?!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2011 ⏰

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