Chapter 16 - Do Not Attempt (without your best friend)

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“Are you effing serious?”  Sharon was sitting cross-legged on a couch across from me in her flat and I flinched at her colorful swearing.  Even though it’s after midnight, she was still up, waiting for me to calm down enough so I could tell her what brought me to her door looking like someone who escaped from a mental institute.

 After a hot shower, which helped to calm me down, and a glass of sugar water for the stress, Sharon made us both coffee.  I’d just now finished telling her the whole sordid story, while swirling a spoon in my, now cold, cup of coffee.  I put down the spoon and sit back in my chair before answering her.  “Jup, dead serious.”  I glance at my best friend, who is usually so talkative.  Guess she’s still in shock from what I’d just told her, because it seems the cat’s got her tongue.

 “What are you going to do?”, she asks, all the questions running through her mind evident on her face.


 “About you and Dean?”

 “I don’t know, Shar, I seriously don’t know.” 

 “You have to tell him.”

 “I can’t.”  She looks at me funny.

 “Why not?”

 “He’ll have nothing to do with me when he hears about this!”

 “He might be your brother, Jes!  There can’t be anything between you until you know for sure!”

 I think of the amazing night Dean and I just had, never mind the past few weeks, and my heart aches.  This has to be a mistake!

 "I know, I know, but what do I do?  I can’t just go up to him and say:  Hey babe, I like you a lot, but my mom says you might be my brother, so can I get a strand of hair or maybe swab your mouth?  I need some of your DNA, just so we can test it and be sure!”  I grimaced at how mental I sounded right there. 

 We sat in silence, before Sharon grabs my hand and gave it a squeeze.  “Well, you’re not alone in this, Jes.  I’m here for you.  We’ll figure something out.  In fact, I might just have an idea.”

Oh-oh.  Sher and ideas did not bode well together.  I worriedly look at her. “What are you up to, my evil-minded friend?”

She smirks back.  “Oh, nothing major.  Just maybe a way to get that DNA you need.  Ok, so here’s my idea.”

Half an hour later we sat smiling like 2 idiots.  This just might work.  Either way, it’s the best option I have to find out if the man I love is my brother or not.  I stiffen at that thought.  Did I just say love?

This is worse than I thought.

Sharon took out a pillow and blanket from the cupboard before handing me a sleeping pill and some water.  Normally I am not a big fan of sleeping pills, but tonight I needed it. 

“You just relax and get some sleep, my friend.  Tomorrow you’re going to sleep the day away and regain your strength.  I’ll handle Mark and your mother and any questions they might have.”  She tucked me in as if I was a child and I smiled at her. 

“Hey, Sharon?”


“You know you’re the best friend ever, right?”

She grinned cheekily.  “Of course I am.  Now get some rest!”

Dean’s POV

I opened the door to my apartment, still on a high after seeing Jessie.  Taking off my jacket, I go to sit on the couch, smiling as I think again of her flushed face as I’d kissed her good-night, the way her had body responded to mine, the feeling of her in my arms.  I could have gone a lot further with any other girl, but for once in my life I want to take things slow.  I know, not my usual modus operandi, but Jessica is different.

Never before has a woman captured my attention so completely and I’m not even sure what I want from this relationship, if it is a relationship.  I just know that she’s fun to be with, intelligent and kind, but has a spitfire side to her that totally turns me on.  She’s quality, not something you just play with and leave along the road-side.

I groan at my thoughts.  Bianca is so going to gloat the next time I see her! 

I get up from the couch and go to my room to ready for bed.  I have a suspicion my dreams will be filled with a red-head with luscious lips tonight. 

The road to love (editing!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora