Chapter 6 - A night out (edited)

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"I can't believe I let you drag me here." I scowled at Sharon while I sipped my strawberry daiquiri, slightly irritated at the loud music pumping from the club's speakers.

"Oh don't be such a baby!" she smiled at me. "It's my birthday and you're my best friend. It's your job to come and celebrate it with me."

I sighed as I looked about the upmarket club in the centre of town called Dusk. It was definitely was not my usual scene. I much preferred spending my Saturday evenings at home, reading. Yeah, I didn't have much of a social life after Jake, but that was by choice.

Sharon on the other hand, was a wild-child, which was probably why we leveled each other out so well. She had hit 25 today and wanted to celebrate in style. She made me promise to come with her tonight, as she had met a guy at the gym who had told her about the club where he worked. She was hoping to see him again and what better reason to go to a club than your birthday? Sharon even made me dress up in one of her little dresses, which I kept tugging down, trying to get it to cover more of my thighs. I loved the colour of it though. It was a deep forest green that went really well with my skin tone and hair, bringing out my green eyes. My normally unruly hair was straightened and hung down my back, covering some of my shoulders left bare by the criss-cross straps of the dress. The front was more modest, not showing too much cleavage, even though I was blessed with enough in that department to fill a C-cup comfortably. A pair of gold high-heeled sandals and some gold jewelry tied together my ensemble perfectly. Even though this was not my usual dress code, I looked and felt rather good tonight.

Sharon looked hot in her short, light blue baby-doll dress, accentuating her pixie cut silver-blonde hair and blue eyes. Her silver heels and accessories added sparkle, while her cleavage was showing a bit more than mine. She totally liked showing hers off.

"Let's go dance!" Sharon grabbed my hand and dragged me away from our table to the dance floor. I decided to just follow her lead, letting the music flow through me and ending up enjoying dancing alongside her. I used to go dancing with Jake, back before he broke my heart and I became more withdrawn. It was kind of nice just letting loose again.

Sharon and I danced and laughed until we got thirsty again, before heading back to our table for fresh drinks. She took a sip of hers, looking around the club, before tapping me on the arm. "Look! There he is! Isn't he gorgeous? His name is Shane." I looked to where she was pointing at a big guy standing at a door of the club leading to the private area and offices. Shane was wearing a black t-shirt with the club's logo and the word 'Assistant Manager' on it, indicating that he worked here. Suddenly the door next to Shane opened and a familiar face entered the club from the private area.

"Sharon, is that Dean Parker next to your guy?" The men shook hands and shared a laugh, before the girl I saw in the car with him and another guy followed Dean through the door. Oh great, there goes my evening! And I was just beginning to have fun...

"Hey, we should go say hi!"


"Yes! It's my birthday and I want to say hi to Shane. Besides, you look hot tonight. Time to show off the goods, baby!" She dragged me up by the hand, heading over to Shane and Dean. My heart fluttered in my stomach and my palms start to sweat. I didn't want to do this! Sharon maneuvered us through the dancing crowd, reaching a smiling Shane who had noticed her coming towards him.

"Sharon, babe! You came! I was hoping you would. Happy birthday." He hugged her, lifting her small frame off the ground in the process. Blushing, she greeted him back before Shane started the introductions. "Sharon, this is my friend Dean..."

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