Chapter 8

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In this room was the last thing I expected to see in a hospital . Dolls .7 dolls all dressed in white with creepy smiles and wide eyes . I was too in shock to move . The eyes of the dolls look into your souls and I feel like they can see all my secrets like it's written on a page . My breathing becomes labored and I start panicking , trying to find an exit . The only light is shining over the dolls who seem to be watching me .

Curiosity gets the better of me I walk closer to the dolls . I notice something was painted across there chest in blood red paint . At least I'm hoping its paint . I step closer and read the signs
" pride ... Lust ... Envy ... Wrath ... Gluttony ... Greed ... Sloth "
Well that's confusing . Why would someone store creepy dolls in a hospital and why are the dolls named after the seven deadly sins ?

My brain starts working in over drive but I don't want to figure out this mystery . I just want to find my sister and leave this hell hole and go home .

I find the door in the dark and leave but not before giving one final glance to the dolls who are still watching me . I turn back around and bump into some one .
" I'm so sorry . I say quietly and stand up ready to help my victim up too
" why do we always meet like this ?"
I know that voice ... I turn to see the man I bumped into at the hotel
" I ... W-we .. But-t you ... D- doctor ?" I stumble over my words . The man still has the same glare but this time he's wearing doctor clothes ... Could he be one ? I'm sure it's against the law to let someone so scary looking work with patients isn't it ?

" I see you find out my secrets " the man says drawing me back to reality .
" well that's unfortunate . You shouldn't have done that ." The man says with what seems like sorrow in his voice
" wh-hat do-o you m-mean ?" I ask in a shaky voice. He just smiles evilly and me an walks away . I try to chase after him but I forgot about my leg. I step on it and immediately fall and scream in pain. I stay still for a while trying to focus on anything else other that the pain . Once I think I can walk I stand up and continue my search for my sister . 

I walk around the hospital and eventually found my sister in an ICU room . I walk in and I'm surprised to see my sister screaming about something.
" Dina . Calm down . All this stress isn't good on your brain . If you don't stop screaming we will have to sedate you ." The doctor says soothingly it's not working
" I don't want to eat my vegetables !!!!!" My sister screams her face turning red .
Ahhhh so it's this argument again .

Ever since my sister was little she has an anger problem . Anything can trigger it .once  when we were little and we were at the park some birds came to eat some bread me and my sister were giving them . She saw more birds were eating my bread and she screamed so loud the birds flew away . She threw rocks at them and once the left she started throwing rocks at me . Let's just stay we never went back to the park again

This time she's fighting about having to eat the hospitals food . She's always had a problem with vegetables . My sister starts picking up the food and throwing it around the room . I can hear the monitor beeping like crazy
" that's it !" The doctor says fed up with my sisters behavior . She sticks an needle in her arm and the screaming slowly stops . I step forward to see me sister passed out on the bed with a bandage around her head . There was blood slowly seeping through the bandage . But the doctors don't seem to worry too much . I just listen to them because they are the professionals . 
" miss you need to leave please " the nurse says to me . I nod slowly and leave the room .

I wonder around a bit until I see the scary man that was dressed as a doctor . I run to him and pull his arm so he can face me " what did you mean ' I shouldn't have done that ?'"I ask the man . He just smiles
" you might want to go check on your sister " he says
" huh? I was just there . Stop speaking in riddles and tell me what the hell is going on ?! " I screamed . He looked at me with anger. I probably shouldn't have screamed at him . The evil glare was replaced with a smirk and he said I should just go see my sister again and he turns and leaves .

I turn and run to see the doctor and nurses surrounding my sister .
" time of death eight thirty seven pm . " the doctor says with sorrow In his voice .

No ... No she can't be dead . This can't be happening . I push through the group of people to see my sister with blood all over her face and her eyes wide open . What's strange is that she looks like she's ... Afraid ?  The doctors try to comfort me but I just need to be alone with my sister .
" get out !!!! Everyone get the hell out !" I scream . I know it's not their fault but I need to yell at someone

They leave after sending me a look of pity . I look at them in disgust . I turn and sit at the end  of the bed my sisters body lies dead on. She looks like she normally does but just more pale . Her once hopeful eyes now just see darkness . He warm welcoming skin feels hard and cold . This isn't my sister . My sister is gone . This is the body my sister once lived in .  I feel numb I don't know what I'm supposed to feel . This has never happened to me . I look to the side because it hurts  to much to look at her in the lifeless eyes . I see something under the covers of her blanket. That's weird I lift the blanket and see the horrifying face of the doll I saw earlier . I fall of the bed and begin to cry . How . Why . Who ... The man . He did this to an innocent little girl . Has he no humanity ! He took my sister away from me !

I look closer and see the doll that killed her was wrath . That's kind of ironic but wrong it's so wrong !!
" miss we need to take care of the body " a nurse says . I get up of the bed and leave the room . All the way at the end of the hall I see the man standing next to my mother with one of the dolls . He will not take away any more of my family !!

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