Chapter 12

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"Joanna do you want anything to drink? Im going to get something from the vending machine." I look up to see my girlfriend Stephanie's eyes scanning mine. I smile knowing shes just being overprotective again. "Sure. Maybe just some water." I say pouting my lips. Steph laughs leaning into me and kissing me gently. I still have my eyes closed as she pulls away and i hear her say she'll be right back. I open my eyes smiling, heart fluttering, wondering how it is i got so lucky to have a girl like her in my life. 


I see an older pale man enter the room wearing a police uniform. I can feel my chest start to grow heavy and my breathing become shallow. What is he doing in here? I ask myself. "Hi you must be Joanna. I'm Officer Blake. But you can just call me Bellamy," he says with a soft smile. I can tell he is just trying to make me feel more at ease but he is not helping at all. He walks up to my bed and sits down in the chair next to me. He clears his throat and looks up at me and says, "Joanna i know you must still be shaken up about everything...since its only been about a week since the assault. But we still needed you to answer a few questions for us now that you're awake an responsive. Would that be okay?" I nod my head hesitantly before catching Stephanie out of the corner of my eye, just leaning on the doorway seeming to wonder if she should come in. "Only if Steph can be in here with me. I cant do this without her here." I extend my hand out as i see Stephanie walk towards me with a soft smile, finally reaching me and holding my hand in hers and joining me by my bedside. Officer Blake sighs heavily, "Why not...lets just get this over with okay?" I nod my head agreeing as i feel a soft squeeze in my right hand. I look over to Stephanie smiling softly then look back to Officer Blake. He looks at me leaning back into the chair and pulls out the pen and pad he had under his arm. "Uhm okay so what exactly do you remember about what happened that night Joanna?" 

"Dad dont do this please. God please dont do this to me. Dont let me die." Blood. So much blood. I can taste it in  my mouth. I feel like im drowning in it. My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. I can see him cleaning off his gun, slowly walking to me. He's touching my cheek. 

"That's all i remember. After that everything is blank. I must have lost too much blood after that." I look at Officer Blake realizing that i had tears streaming down my cheeks. I feel Steph's fingers wipe away at the tears on my cheeks. "You're one hell of a fighter ill give you that kid. When we got to the scene we thought we walked into a murder aftermath. Youre one lucky son of a bitch," he says patting my hand then writing down more notes. 

The question that has been burning through my mind finally finds its way out of my mouth; "How did he get out of prison, Officer Blake?" I can see him get uncomfortable, shifting in his seat. Then i can see him look at me with sorrow, "Well, Joanna, we found out that the prison he was in had mistakenly released him instead of another prisoner who was supposed to be released today...But dont worry there will be serious repercussions here." "How the fuck do they mistakenly let him out?!" I turn to Stephanie, who is visibly angry with her fists clenched. I never realized that she was even this mad until i heard her yell out right now at Officer Blake. It had me wonder: why wasnt i more upset about this? 

"You need to calm down young lady and not raise your voice at me," Officer Blake has gotten up now from his seat pointing his finger at Steph. Before i can even say anything I hear Steph groan loudly, "I wont calm the fuck down when all of this could have been easily avoided if they had just fucking done their jobs right!" Shes furious. I feel horrible for thinking this but god she looks hot when shes angry. I snap myself out of my thoughts as i weakly sit up, "Steph..." She looks at me sadly, holding my hand as she sits down and tries to calm herself down. I run my thumb across her hand looking at Officer Blake again, "Officer, can i ask you something?" "Of course Joanna," he says sitting back down in his chair. I wait for a couple of seconds trying to formulate what i wanted to say exactly.

"Did he suffer when you killed him?"  

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