Chapter 1

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"I'm still not sure about this, Dean." Cas says yet again. They are on their way to a werewolf they tracked down. The wolf has killed at least six people in the past few weeks.

"Cas, calm down, we just gotta gank this one guy and we'll be on our way." Dean rolls his eyes, shifting his hands on the steering wheel. He can't believe Sam didn't come. He stayed at the motel, saying "It's one werewolf, you and Cas can handle it" Dean knows why he did it, Sam knows how much Dean has been questioning his feelings lately.

"It seems misleading somehow, like we are missing something." Cas' face scrunches.

"You're over-analyzing it," Dean shakes his head.

"Well, if we're wrong something bad could happen, I've already lost you enough times." Cas sighs. The way Cas says that makes Dean's heart flutter.

He frowns at this feeling. He has been feeling this way toward Cas a lot lately. He can't seem to explain it. He's only felt this way toward one person in his life, that was Lisa. He refuses to believe he actually lo- no, he won't even think the word. Besides even if he did, Cas would never feel the same way, he's an angel, they don't feel.

Dean pulls into their destination.

"Let's go kill this son of a bitch." Dean smirks and gets out of the car. Cas follows him to the trunk. Dean pulls out his gun with silver bullets. He also hands Cas a gun.

"I don't need this, Dean." Cas frowns.

"Just take the damn gun, Cas." Dean holds it out. Cas sighs and grabs it from him.

"This is going to be quick and easy." Dean winks and leads Cas into the huge building.

"I'm having a bad feeling about this," Cas murmurs.

"Cas," Dean hisses. They head inside, it's dark and stinks like wet dog and stale air.

Dean flips on his flashlight. The rooms are messy and empty.

They step into a room and they catch a glimpse of a man before he streaks out of the room. Dean speeds after him.

"Dean, wait!" Cas hisses, but Dean is already gone. Dean is hot on the monster's heels. The were pushes through a set of double doors into a vast room filled with large bulky objects.

Dean leaps and tackles the man.

"I got you, you son of a bitch." Dean growls, hardly even out of breath.

"So you think." The man laughs maniacally.

Then Dean notices the beings stepping out of the shadows, at least a dozen. The one Dean is on top of bucks him off. Four of them pounce on Dean.

"Dean!" Cas shout, bursting up to them. The other werewolves go after him.

Dean is able to grab his knife and wrestles with the four attacking him. He kills two and the other two keep coming.

Dean pulls out his gun and goes to aim it at them. Dean sees Cas is being overrun. This distraction causes one of the wolves to tackle him. His gun hits the ground right next to his head, going off. His ears ring from the gunshot.

Thankfully, one of the wolves after Cas drop from it. Unfortunately, Dean is completely deaf aside from the ringing in his ears.

Cas starts screaming at him, but Dean doesn't know what.

"Close your eyes!" Cas screams, but Dean can't hear.

A light emanates from Cas. It grows brighter and brighter. As the brilliant light gets to it's fullest power, Cas glances at Dean. He's staring wide-eyed at Cas' grace. Dean falls to the ground, along with the werewolves around him. All of the werewolves' eyes are being burnt from their skulls.

"No!" Cas screams,  as he watches Dean drop.

The light disappears. Cas rushes to Dean's side.

"Dean!" Cas shakes him. His souls still pulses brightly, so he is still alive. "I'm so sorry," he checks his eyes. Both are still there, perfectly green as they were before.  How did he not lose his eyes?

Cas scoops him up and carries him out, over the bodies of the werewolves.

He transports them back to the motel. He will go back and get the car later.

"Oh my god, Cas, what happened?" Sam is startled at first by their sudden appearance but when he sees Dean he becomes concerned.

"We were ambushed, I did the only thing I could. I told him to close his eyes." Cas sets Dean on his bed. Concern consumes Cas. He never wanted to hurt Dean.

"Dean, can you hear me?" Sam shakes him. Dean makes no movement. "Dammit, Cas!" Sam growls. "You were supposed to take care of him!"

"I didn't mean," Cas can feel the guilt eating at him. "I thought, I thought I was helping." Cas whimpers.

"Then help him now!" Sam demands.

Castiel clenches his jaw and steps up to Dean. He presses his his fingers to his forehead. He senses busted eardrums, which is healed easily. And there's something else, something Cas has never seen or felt before. And it can't be  healed away, he tried.

"I helped as much as I can. Now we wait." Cas moves to the far side of the room, planting himself in a chair, watching Dean. He doesn't deserve to be here. He is always screwing things up. Every time he tries to help with anything.

He tried gaining souls and defeating Raphael, he only ended up betraying Sam an Dean and releasing Leviathan in the world. He helped Dean in Purgatory, by staying away, he ended up breaking Dean's heart and his own in the process. He tried helping by working with Metatron and he really screwed that up. With his returned grace he's been trying to help by hunting with the boys and now this happened.

He doesn't deserve them, doesn't deserve Dean. If he stays, he is only going to hurt him even more. He can't hurt the person he loves. He's given up so much for him, but he always ends up screwing everyone over. He loves Dean, with every fiber of his being, but he knows his love is fruitless. Dean would never feel the same.

"Cas," Sam murmurs. "I'm sorry. I see you were trying your hardest to help. I shouldnt have taken it out on you. I honestly don't know where we would be without you."

Cas thinks about where they would be if he hadn't meddled in their lives. Dean would have been saved by another angel, someone more responsible than he. Someone who wouldn't have fallen in love with his charge and turned their back on heaven for one single human. Someone who isn't, as some people say, a little shit.

Sam stares down at Dean, waiting for some trace of him waking up.

"Tell him I'm sorry." Cas says suddenly. When Sam looks up, Cas is gone.

"Cas, don't leave!" Sam calls, but Cas does not return.

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