Chapter 2: Sextuplets, genders and names

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Anna's POV

The week went by fast. I told my brothers yesterday and they were pissed. Here I am now sitting in the doctor's office waiting for my name to be called.

A nurse comes out and says,"Anna L." I walk up to the nurse and she takes me to a room. She leaves and I sit on the chair that was set up for an ultrasound. A doctor comes in.

The Doctor says," Hello I'm doctor Eliza Clay. I will be doing all your ultrasounds and will be helping you give birth when the time comes. Now let's get started. "

She grabs some gel stuff and rubs it on my stomach. A image pops up on the screen. She looks at it and says,"Congratulations on the babies.Now your pregnancy will last about seven months. Are these babies of Alpha blood?"

I say," Yes they are of Alpha blood and did you say babies?"

Eliza smiled and said," You young lady are having sextuplets." Holy crap that's six kids. No wonder I'm getting so big already.

I blink and ask," Are you sure?"

Eliza laughs and says," Yeah see there's six little things here, here,here,here,here and here. I recommend you take it easy and take monthly check ups. Here's three copies of your ultrasound." With that she left. I got up and drove home.

My grandma and grandpa were sitting in the living room waiting for me. My grandma asks," How many little ones am I going to be able to spoil?"

I laugh and say," Six." My grandma's eyes went as wide as saucers and grandpa spit his drink out.

Grandma asked," Are you kidding with me cause it's not funny."

I state," I'm not joking. You are going to have six great-grandbabies."

Grandpa said," Was not expecting you to say six. That's for sure."

3 months later

I am about 3 months pregnant and I am big but i'm going to get even bigger. My grandma now drives me the places I need to be because i'm so flippin big. I'm back in the doctor's office to see what the gender of my babies are.

I walk into the room and sit on the chair. Eliza and me are now close friends. She is excited to deliver the little babies.

Eliza comes in and says,"Nice to see you again. Let's see the gender." She is excited to see the gender. She moves the stick thing around my stomach and looks at every angle.

Eliza says," Well it looks like 4 boys and 2 girls."

In my head Meadow says, Wow four boys and two girls.

I ask,"Can I get four copies of the ultrasound?" I'm trying to stay calm but i'm so excited. I get the copies and go out to my grandma's car. I get in and buckle myself in.

Grandma asks,"Well?"

I say,"4 boys and 2 girls."

My grandma starts jumping up and down in her seat.

She asks,"Really?"I hand her a copy of the picture of the ultrasound.

I say,"We can go baby shopping now." Grandma's eyes get really big. She drives us to many stores and we get strollers, clothes, bottles, diapers, bibs, pacifiers, cribs and toys. We also got light green paint for the room since i'm having girls and boys. We got dark brown cribs and furniture for the room.

We carried everything into the room next to mine and set everything up. The room is all ready for the kids to arrive.

I went downstairs and sat at the table. We were having fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, fries, corn and coleslaw.

During dinner my grandpa asked, " Any names picked out?"

I thought about it but said," Maybe names that start with R, H, or J."

Grandma said," Ok. If you need help just ask me or grandpa."

"Got it Gram and Gramps," I stated. I got up and went into my room. I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I slipped on some fuzzy socks. I walked to the nursery and looked at some of the baby stuff. There was two strollers that fit 3 kids.

"Anna," yelled my Grandma from downstairs. I walked down the stairs and saw Sam, Jake and Tyler.

Tyler saw me first and said," Anna." They all turned to look at me.

"Hi guys it's been awhile," I said while hugging each of them. We all sat in the livingroom. Sam, Tyler,and Jake on one couch while me and grandma were on the other one.

Sam asked," Am I going to have a niece or nephew?"

I smiled and said," Both."

Jake asked," Twins?"

I stated," Nope." They all looked so confused.

Grandma said," She's having sextuplets." Sam's eyes got so big. Tyler's mouth dropped open and Jake just smiled.

Tyler recovered and said," Seriously?" I nodded.

Sam says," Wow. I'm going to have six little nieces and nephews. Wait how many nieces and how many nephews?"

I said," 4 boys and 2 girls."

Jake pumped his fist and exclaimed," Little nephews. Hell Yah."

Tyler shouted," Little nieces who gonna get spoiled."

Sam yelled,"More family."

Grandma said,"More people to spoil."

I said," Calm down." Everyone sat back down.

A few hours of catching up later.

Sam asked,"Anna who's your mate?"

I sighed and said," Parker."

Tyler yelled," THE ALPHA?" I nodded.

Jake said," He's a dead man."

I said,"No he can't ever know about these kids."

Sam said,"Fine but can we at least let him know that we know that he rejected you." I nodded.

Jake, Sam and Tyler walked to the door and left. I hope they don't do anything stupid or else I will have to kill them.

I changed into a tank top and flannel pajama pants. I started thinking about how I will take care of my babies. I brush my hair and leave it down. My gray eyes always seem to be so bright even though I got rejected. I think its because of my babies that are soon to be born. I get into bed and think of how much my babies mean to me already even if I haven't given birth to them yet.


Second. Whatcha think?


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