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"The building collapsed." He said.

She looked into Harley's eyes a long time until he was almost uncomfortable. Finally, she said. "What's collapsed?"

Everyone was watching the interaction.

"The building." Harley stated obviously. "Are you stupid?"

He again wondered how she didn't remember him. There's no way she couldn't have. They were just together not twenty minutes ago.

"What building? This building?" She asked, her confusion seemed sincere. "The building is col-col—" she didn't know how to say the word.

"Collapsed." Harley said again, himself confused now.

"Collapsed." She repeated.

He smiled a little bit. "Yeah, collapsed."

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means this," he took two handfuls of rubble and smashed them together against the floor. "Collapsed, see?"

"Ooooh," she looked around, amused with everyone around her. "Hi."

Confused, everyone said a faint hello back.

"What's your name?" Harley asked.

"Mmmm," she shrugged, "I don't know."

Everyone could tell she was being honest, she really didn't know who she was. She was as confused as they were.

"What's your name?" She asked, a shy smile on her face.

He furrowed his eyebrows, more confused. For sure she hit her head way too hard. "Harley." He said.

"Har—ley." She pronounced.

She looked at everyone else. "What are your names?" She asked smiling big now. She pointed at Corrina, "You're very pretty." She said.

"Aww thank you." Corrina said, "My name is Corrina."

"Co—ree—na." She pronounced.

"Aden." Aden said next.

"Aden." She repeated.

"Camila." Camila said with a smile. She found the girl in front of her delightful. There was something very peaceful about her presence.

"Oh, you're very pretty too!" She exclaimed. "Ca—mil—a."

She looked over at Jayden.

"I'm Jayden," He said, with a sweet smile on his face. The smile made Her comfortable. "Nice to finally meet you."

She crawled over to Jayden, and pointed at his leg. "You have a boo-boo." She exclaimed, shocked at the sight in front of her. "Are you okay?!"

Jayden laughed, she didn't know why he laughed but it made the fact that he was in pain okay to her. "Don't worry, I'm going to be okay."

She gave him a hug.

Jayden melted.

"I hope you feel better."

"Thank you," Jayden said. "That hug made me feel a lot better."

She smiled, feeling proud, like she was a doctor.

"Come back here." Harley patted the floor next to him where she was sitting before.

And she crawled back, and sat next to Harley. 

"What's my name?" She asked him with a smile.

He paused for a long time, looking at her like she was joking. "You're joking, right? You really don't know your name?"

She shook her head.

She looked at everyone around her and asked, "Does anyone know my name?"

They all shook their heads.

She lost her memories? Is that why she looks carefree? Things were finally starting to make sense to Jayden.

"Amnesia." Harley said, "We'll just call you Amnesia since you're just so damn stupid right now." He stood up.

She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "I'm not stupid." Her eyes were full of tears.

"Yeah you are, you're stupid."

"No, I'm not!" Tears started to spill out of her eyes.

"Come on man, stop it."

Harley ignored Jayden. "Okay, what's twenty two plus forty seven?"

She got more upset at the fact that she didn't know the answer.

"See, you're stupid." Harley confirmed.

"I'M NOT!" She exclaimed, bursting out crying.

Cade walked in. He saw Her crying and immediately walked over to them. He stood with his back to her, his face inches from Harley. "Walk." 

I would like to warn you, expect the unexpected. 

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