The Walk

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*Hayley's POV*

So, I'm here on Warped Tour with all my buddies and my biggest crush. Andy Biersack, sex god. I just, want him so motherfluffin badly, words can't describe how I feel about that boy. My ex is here though. Alex Gaskarth.

I can't believe we even dated. It wasn't even dating. More like a fling. A fling where he couldn't keep his hands off me. But, I never went that far. He just wasn't the one. But now, we cool. Sometimes. We argue sometimes but never had a real convo. Anyways who cares about him? He's dating Tay so, yeah!

So, as I'm walking, Tay and Cassadee kept trying to talk to me about boys when all I really wanted to do was talk to Andy. Well, I guess it wouldn't matter. He was talking to Brendon, Kellin, and Christen and was looking hot while doing it.

"Hello! Earth to Hayley!" Cassadee said while waving her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked blushing realizing I had been staring at Andy for a while.

"Uh missy, Cass and I are tryin to grill you into telling us what's on the agenda for Paramore but it seems you have some eye candy." Tay said smirking.

"What eye candy?" I asked defensively.

"You were staring at one of the guys up ahead." Cass answered.

"Or all of em." Tay added.

"Guys!" I said. "I wasn't staring at anyone."

"Yeah right!" They both said laughing.

"Uh ladies? We're at the beach." Christen said looking at us crazy.

"Ok thanks CC." I said smiling.

"So the eye candy is CC!" Cassadee said like she figured out my crush.

"Could be. I mean he is hot and also really gre-"

"Guys! It's definitely not CC." I said cutting Tay off and leaving to walk up with the guys. I walked to where I was in the middle and wrapped my arms around Andy and Kellin's neck.

"How we doin boys?" I asked swinging a little which was kinda hard. Andy was like nine feet compared to me. Not exactly nine feet. He's 6'2, 6'3 and is nothing but legs. I didn't mind though.

"That depends Hayles. Care to talk to us?" Kellin asked.

"Well, I can really only tell you that I'm dying to get in the water but I don't have a swimsuit. So, I guess I can tell you guys a secret." I said all spy like.

"What secret?" Brendon asked.

"Well," I stopped and looked behind me to see Tay and Cassie engaged in their own conversation. Sometimes, I wonder about those girls. "let's just say that I have a crush on someone." I said.

"Really? On who?" Andy asked.

*Andy's POV*

"Let's just say I have a crush on someone." Hayley said.

Yes! This is my chance to see if she likes me.

"Really? On who?" I asked.

"Well, he's tall."


"He's cute."


"He's kind."


"He likes wearing dark colors."

Definitely me

"Has the most beautiful eyes. Like they change colors and it is sooo sexy."

Me of course.

"And he sings like an angel. Plus, he's on this tour." She finished.

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