[Ch 7]-[I'm Down For You]

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Raine in M/M.

"Real bitches cry a little. But in the end, they'll pick the sword back up and continue fighting."
                             —C. Baby.

"Healing comes when we choose to walk away from darkness and into a brighter light."
              —Deiter F. Uchtdof.
"Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives."
                           —Daily Dose.

Stormi POV

"I can not just stand here, taking a fuckin' walk in this shitty ass park, and acting like my daughter was never gone. "I hollered.

"Baby, calm the fuck down, bruh."

"Don't tell me to calm down. "I started walking in a different direction.

"Where the hell are you going?" Raine asked, obviously following me.


Gunshots were heard all through the park.

"Get down!" Somebody screamed.

My first instinct was to drop to the ground, but I couldn't. I was frozen in my spot. A hard push came my way, knocking me to the floor. More deafening gunshots were heard.

I felt a body fall, it didn't hit me, but it did fall right in front of me. I was too scared to see who had just got shot. Children were screaming, babies were crying, and parents were just quiet.

Tires were speeding away, letting everyone know it was safe to get it.

I looked down at the person that lay before me and couldn't believe my eyes. I dropped to my knees and cradled her lifeless body in my arms. Her all white outfit was stained with dark red blood.

"Raine baby, get up. "I hit her face softly, her eyes opened a little, but they started to close again. People stood in a circle just watching.

"Don't just stand there, somebody call someone."

"Get up, get up."I mumbled to myself as I kept hitting her face. Sirens were heard followed by an ambulance and a fire truck. They lifted her onto a stretcher and I got in the back with her. I couldn't watch as they hooked all these machines to her.

Nothing ever went right for me, I thought.

Using that same stretcher, they wheeled her behind a set of double doors. I was about to go in their when a nurse stopped me. I already knew what he was going to say, but I wasn't for the shit he was about to tell me.

"Ma'am, you can't go back there."I stated.

"Why not ?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry but you can't. We will do our very best to try and heal her, but you have to go wait in the waiting room just like the rest of them black ass bitches."

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