Chapter 7

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“Dad?” Jackson awoke to his son’s voice. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and turned toward Mason with a smile.

“Hey Buddy.” He replied. Mason shifted closer to his father.

“Dad, I was really scared. All I remembered was playing outside and then I woke up here without you. I kept hearing voices out there but no one came in. I was too scared to go to bed. I am glad I fell asleep because here you are.” Jackson grabbed Mason and squeezed him tight.

“You don’t have anything to worry about. Nothing is going to happen to you, I am making sure of that.  I’m working on getting us out of here but I need your help, ok Buddy?”  Mason nodded looking at his dad with determination in his eyes, “There are going to be times where I am not around you throughout the day. I need you to be brave for me. You will see Uncle Jason around here as well. It is very important that you do not speak to him. We need to keep the fact that he is related to us a secret. Do not speak to any of the guards unless they speak to you first.  There are other people here who are in the same situation as us that you can talk to.  There is also another child here. Her name is Gracie; I think she is a little younger than you and she is very scared to be here.  We need to follow the rules to ensure we can leave here safely. Do you understand, son?”

“I understand, Dad.  I am big enough to be brave and I will follow the rules.” He said confidently. 

Jackson smiled and ruffled his son’s hair earning him an adoring smile, “Now, let’s go and get cleaned up. It’s almost breakfast time.”

They each took turns showering and when they were dressed they brushed their teeth together in the bathroom.  Jackson heard the door creak open. Mason looked up at him with fear in his eyes. He held his hand signaling to Mason that everything was fine.  He peeked around the corner to see Jason standing just in front of the door.

“It’s just your Uncle Jason, buddy.” He reassured him.  He walked out into the bedroom area with Mason in tow. 

“Hey Mason, what’s up lil’ man.” Jason said, raising his hand for Mason to give him a high five.  Mason disregarded his hand and looked pointedly at him.

“We aren’t supposed to let anyone know we are related. Don’t you know how to follow the rules?” he scolded his uncle.  Jackson chuckled as Jason dropped his hand and looked questioningly at him.

“He is right, Jason. I don’t want anyone to know you are related. So can you please be careful how you address him from now on?” Jason nodded in affirmation. 

“Well, I suppose we should get going. I will take you two to the dining room for breakfast.”  Jason held open the door for him and the three of them walked to the dining room with Jason leading the way.  Jason put his key card in the slot and the main door opened for them.  Jackson felt a tug of his shirt and he looked down at Mason.

“Dad, does Uncle Jason work here?” he whispered to him.  Jackson stopped and kneeled in front of him.

“I know you don’t completely understand what’s going on but remember that everything our family is doing is to help get us out of here safely.  Uncle Jason is playing his part to ensure that.”  Mason nodded in understanding. Jackson led him to the dining room table where a girl with black wavy hair and green eyes was already sitting.  The table was set and there were plates of eggs, bacon, and hash browns. In the center of the table there was a large bowl of mixed fruit and two pitchers, one filled with orange juice and another with ice water.  Jackson sat down next to Mason and started filling their plates.  His thoughts wandered to Lynae and Gracie.  He hoped that her little girl was alright and that they were enjoying breakfast.  He concluded that he would check on her as soon as he started his shift.  The woman from across the table eyed them curiously.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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