Chapter 4

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Jackson sat at the diner table anxiously awaiting his brother’s arrival.  The thirty second phone call he received an hour before had him on edge.  A thousand different scenarios went through his mind.  He glanced at his watch again.  It felt like he has been waiting for hours but in reality it had only been fifteen minutes.  He looked up front and saw Jason entering the diner, a look of anxiety on his face.  Jason scanned the room and his eyes finally rested on Jackson, he hurriedly made his way over.  Jackson cut right to the point.


“So what happened?” he asked.


“Jackson, please listen to everything before you freak out. Please.” Jason pleaded.


“Ok. Go ahead.”


Jason recounted every detail.  As the words flowed out his mouth, Jackson felt an array of different emotions.  The one that stood out was anger.


“Look where your stupidity has landed us, Jason!” he said in a harsh whisper, “I refuse to harm somebody to save your ass!  I will transfer and take Mom and Mason away from here, away from you!” He got up and stormed out of the diner leaving Jason behind.  Jason sat in the booth stunned.  He was unsure how Jackson would react but he didn’t think he would up and move his family away from him.  He looked up to see one of Frank’s men walk by as he passed he dropped a small piece of paper on the table. 


Now we do this my way





“Gracie! Can you please come down here?” Lynae called.  She heard the patter of Gracie’s little feet.  Lynae smiled as she ran around the corner.  She enveloped her in a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. 


“Did you sleep well? She asked slightly pulling her from her body to look at her face.  Gracie shook her head.  Lynae frowned.


“Did you have bad dreams?” Gracie nodded.


“Well, I think I know how to make you feel better; how about a big batch of banana pancakes?” Her eyes widened and she smiled nodding her head excitedly.


They set to work mixing in the ingredients and preparing breakfast.  Gracie was only four years old but her brain was like a sponge watching and retaining everything.  After setting the table, she reached into the cabinet and pulled out 2 wine glasses and filled them with orange juice.  She looked at Gracie and said,


“I think we need to drink from these fancy glasses to celebrate our new home. What do you think?”  Gracie smiled and nodded.  Lynae handed her a glass and then held her own glass out and clinked them together.


“Cheers, Gracie.” She said in an English accent.  Gracie put her glass down and giggled at her mother.  After breakfast Lynae took Gracie outside on to a fluffy cream colored blanket to read stories.  Lynae sighed contently as she watched her daughter flip through the pages of her picture book.  Today was the first day in a long time where she had started to feel like herself.  Her heart was healing and soon she hoped Gracie would start talking again.  She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and saw Gracie holding up another story for her to read.  She smiled at her and opened the book to begin her story.

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