Chapter 6

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Jackson and Frank both stared at Jason.  They were in shock that he was able to retrieve the girl and not have a line of cops following behind him.


“Jeff, go grab the girl and place her in her room.” Frank directed. Jason looked at Jackson with wide eyes and tilted his head toward the truck slightly.  Jackson went over to his brother.


“Jackson, we have a little bit of a problem.  This chick has a kid. She is in the backseat under the blanket. I don’t know what to do.”


“You have got to be kidding me. You thought the best thing to do was kidnap the kid and bring her here? What the hell were you thinking?” he said in a harsh whisper.


“I was thinking that I couldn’t possibly leave a small child there to wake up all alone.  I have been watching them and they have nobody here.” Jason said remorsefully, “I was going to take her to mom. I thought she could look after her until we could figure this out.”


“For once you had a plan.  Tell Frank that you need to get me some clothes then take the girl to mom.” Jackson pulled the blanket down to look at the girl.  She was adorable. She had long light brown hair and the longest eyelashes he had ever seen.  He placed the blanket to cover her head and stepped back directly into Frank.


“What are we looking at?” he asked while stepping past Jackson toward the backseat of the truck.  He pulled down the blanket and then swiftly turned toward Jason, “What is this?” he motioned to the little girl. Jason looked at his brother who had a mask of frustration and anger upon his face.


“I had to bring that woman’s kid. I didn’t want her to run and report her mother missing and then we would have a man hunt on our hands.  I figured you had enough problems with the supplier so I was going to drive far out of town and drop her at an orphanage.” He lied.


“That won’t be necessary.  The kid is cute; I can probably sell her with her mother and make it a packaged deal. Take her inside Jackson and giver her to Jeff.”  Jackson reluctantly scoops up the little girl as gently as he could and follows them into the office.  After he hands her off to Jeff, Frank motions him over to sit next to his brother in front of a desk. 


“Alright, here is what is going to happen. You both will be her 24 hours a day.  Jackson, as we agreed last night, you will be able to stay with your son for all meals and bed time. When you are with your son you must act like you’re a captive. A guard will collect you when you are needed; you can tell them that you are collected to do manual labor in a warehouse or something.  Now, if you will follow me, I will show you our facility.”  Frank stepped out from behind the desk. Jackson and Jason followed suit. They went through the door opposite of the main entrance. The room they entered had a small couch, a flat screen television and a conference table with six chairs. To the left was a ceiling to floor length window that displayed an exercise room.


“This is our staff resting quarters and through that small doorway in the back is our kitchen.”  They followed Frank into the kitchen.  The room looked like any other kitchen and held the necessities.  They entered another door on the other side of where they came in.  The first thing they noticed was another floor to ceiling window that exhibited a dining room and farther off a living room type of area.  There were two armchairs, a table and a hutch.  To the right there was a thick security door.

Where the Wrong Path May LeadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz