Chapter 18- 1 year later...

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:( :( :( :( :( :(

Turn of events in the last chapter. You probably expected Natsu to stop her or for her to change her mind and stay but ha!

Not how i rule!


~Natsu's POV~

It's been 1 whole year. 1 whole year since Lucy left. Everyday i think about her, where is she now??? She left fairy high to go to university and i never got to see her again. I can't stop thinking about her, every girl i look at seems to remind me of Lucy and i don't know why!

"Natsu, go outside please, you need fresh air, you lock yourself in your room everyday!" Mum begged me.

"Fine!" I sighed, opening my door, putting on my shoes and coat as i walked downstairs.

"Are you not having anything to eat?" Mum asked me following me down the stairs.

"I'll get something when i go outside!" I said as i huffed and opened the front door, slamming it behind me.

I heard them talk as i walked up the cobblestone path.

"He's a mess ever since Lucy left" I heard mum claim. I huffed as i walked into town. I decided to walk to a new cafe shop that opened. Apparently Erza and Levy work there so i'm going to see if they're on shift right now. 

I entered the cafe shop to be greeted by Erza. Behind Erza was Jellal.

"What are you doing here?" Erza asked me.

"I came to get something to eat" I claimed. I sighed walking up to the bar counter to order something when a figure came rushing in, papers mountain high in her arms, she tripped and they flew everywhere. I span on my heels to help her pick them up. I knelt down and began to help her when i noticed something. She had glistening blonde hair. "Lucy?" I asked. The girl looked up at me.

"Who's Lucy?" The figure asked. 

"Nobody" I replied, saddened. I helped her stand, all of her papers back into her arms. She placed them on a nearby table. 

"Thank you" She thanked me.

"No problem" i replied.

"So what can i get you?" The maid behind the counter asked. The voice was so familiar. The maid giggled slightly as i turned around. I recognized the beautiful golden hair and chocolate brown eyes. Though her hair was longer.

 Though her hair was longer

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"L-lucy" I stuttered.

"Hey, Natsu!" Lucy replied. "I told you we would meet again" She added.

"So you're a maid in a cafe now?" i asked Lucy.

"This is only a part time job Natsu, i'm also a journalist and writer" Lucy informed me.

"You have done good" I confessed. Lucy smiled.

"I missed you, Natsu" Lucy confessed.

"I missed you too, Luce" I replied, smiling and looking into her sparkling eyes.



They kept their promise!

hope you enjoyed!

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