A New Kind Of Feeling

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Nunca he estado enamorado antes. This was all new to me. Thinking about a guy so much was a little terrifying! How was it that he could create such a change in me after only one night? I felt like new life had been breathed in to me, and the feeling was like Swan Lake, una obra maestra! Yes, that's exactly what it was: a masterpiece.

"What has gotten in to you? I've never seen you dance so, so passionately!" Tara commented after walking in on me. I didn't know how to explain it. I could hear a song in my heart and the only way I knew how to express it was through dancing. It was truly exhilarating!

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" I smiled.

"Why are you so happy? Did you decide which company you're going to?" She asked excitedly.

"No, not yet."

"Then what's with all the smiling?"

"Can't I just be happy? It's a beautiful day!" I shouted.

"Okay, Eve, you're scaring me! You're never this perky."

"¿Perdón? What exactly are you trying to say?" I asked, one hand on my hip.

"I mean, you're just always so serious!" She responded.

"Well, maybe I've changed!"

"Overnight?" She asked skeptically.

"It happens!"

"Not to Evita Correa, it doesn't! Are you feeling okay?" The sad part was that she was serious. Was I really that uptight?

We decided to go to the food court for a quick bite. I really wasn't hungry; my stomach was already full of butterflies. Tara began to talk about something, but I was thinking about Jason. Wonderful, handsome, intelligent Jason!

"Eve! Eve, are you listening to me?" Tara's voice interrupted my daydream.


"Then what was I saying?" She challenged. Thankfully, my cellphone started ringing. Saved by the bell.


"What's up, mami?" The sound of his deep voice was like a glass of ice tea on a hot summer day.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Are you busy?" I could hear the smile in his voice as well.

"No, why?"

"You want to hang out." It didn't sound like a question.

"Are you asking or telling?"

"I'm hoping and wishing." He replied smoothly.

"Well, in that case, I'd love to!" The smile on my face grew wider.

"How soon can you be ready?"

"I just finished dancing, so give me an hour."

"I'll be there in an hour. See you soon beautiful!"

I immediately grabbed my bag and began to leave, completely forgetting about Tara.

"Eve, where are you going? Who was that?" She asked curiously.

"Out and a friend." I said, not slowing my pace.

"A friend? Like a guy?" She asked, following me back to my room and asking questions the entire way. "Who is it? Do I know him? Is it Marco?"

"God no!" Marco was a principle dancer with a major dance company now, but the year before, he was still at the ballet school. My parents were certain I'd marry him someday, but I had no desire what so ever to even be around him. He was everything I despised wrapped neatly with a bow. Most of the girls would give almost anything to be with him, but I wasn't most girls.

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