Chapter 2- Who Do You Think You are?!

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Chapter 2. -Who do you think you are?!

Logan's P.O.V-

"Now I hope you understand what you have done wrong." He moaned to me.

I rolled my eyes.

I was in the principles office on my first day. Not exactly a good start. But hey! I didn't know we weren't allowed to graffiti the schools library books!

"Yeah Yeah" I said not paying any attention.

English schools were so strict. I had just moved from America that week and I was already fed up of England.

Rain, uniform, more rain, rules, more rain...

This school was exactly like Hogwarts. Only you know, it wasn't a boarding school and there weren't any wizards here...

"And you won't do this again?" The principle asked, his stern gaze looking right into my eyes.

Damn, when does this bloke stop talking?

"No." I yawned, eager to leave.

"Then you're free to go, have a nice first day." He faked a smile at me.

"Not likely." I said as I walked out of the room.

I'd only been here for a couple of hours and I'd already had about 20 lectures from various different teachers.

Don't graffiti in books...

Don't shout at teachers...

Don't attempt go in the girls toilets...

But thats what you get for being a badass. And a sexy badass might I add.

I'm going to rule this school, just like I've ruled every other school I've been too. Before I get chucked out of course.

I'll give this school a couple of months before they can't handle my sexiness anymore. Then off to another school I go.

So I better make the most of my stay here.


Jade's P.O.V

We were on our way to the cafeteria when I remembered I needed to get my iPod back from HP.

"Ah shit." I stopped in the middle of the empty corridor and face palmed my forehead.

"What is it?" Asked Lola also stopping.

I told her about the Harry Potter incident and how he took my iPod away.

"So I need to go get it-" I stopped midway through my sentence to see Lola howling with laughter, holding her side in pain.

"Say hi to Dobby for me! Oh my gosh, good one Jade!" She laughed, her eyes starting to tear up. I rolled my eyes and walked off towards my English room, leaving Lola falling to the floor, crying with laughter.

I took a deep breath before I walked in the classroom, facing the consequences. It was hard work being a badass you know. People really underestimated us.

"Hey sexy creatures." I winked at the bored students listening to HP drone on- as usual.

They all turned to see who it was at the door, and all grinned. Obviously ready for some serious entertainment.

"Ah Jade." HP said, not even looking round from the whiteboard.

"What a disappointment to see you've shown up again."

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