Chapter 4 - I need help Kevin

Start from the beginning

He had struggled with tears before he arrived since he didn't want anyone to see him cry. When Alonia came around the desk and pulled him into a good hug he finally broke down and simply started sobbing. At the moment he couldn't use his hands since he was holding on and they were shaking so badly.

"Come Brice, let me take you to Storm's office and get you something to drink. Storm will be down here in a moment to talk to you." Alonia almost had to carry him to the office and as she was urging him onto a couch Storm came in. She moved away from the couch to a side table which had a constant-on hot water supply. She started making one of the teas from Folicia which helped a person to calm down.

Storm settled down and wrapped an arm around Brice and held him close. She could see how badly he was shaking and knew that until he had calmed down he wouldn't be able to sign. Storm automatically sampled his emotions and soothing them slowly. It was going to take some time for Brice to calm down enough but better slow than anything else, *Kevin, Smiles, something is going on with Brice. I am working on calming him down so he can sign. Once I know what is happening I will let you know.* She also started humming a quiet tune in the hopes it would help as well. For the moment all she could sense from him was utter desolation and desperation.

By the time Alonia had the tea steeped and cooled down Gloria walked in and settled down on the other side of Brice. She wrapped an arm around him as well but didn't say anything. This was something her Liraque needed to deal with but she hoped her comfort would help. All of the Folician contingent liked Brice and felt he would be a good candidate to go to one of the colony worlds. For the moment they needed to get him calmed down.

Alonia brought the tea over and let the two take care of getting him to drink it. Since Storm and Gloria was there she knew he was in good hands. Once they found out what was wrong depending on the problem they would probably let her know. She headed back to the front desk and went back to work.

Gloria picked up the tea and gently wrapped his hands around the cup though she kept holding it, "Brice here is some warm tea with plenty of honey. Drink it down and I am sure the honey and tea will help." It took several more minutes before he drank it down with her help.

Once the tea hit he almost collapsed against Storm. His hands weren't shaking nearly as much even though tears were still flowing. Since he was able to carefully sign he lifted his hands. Before he could sign his fingers tensed and had to force them to relax, "I had to take Sophia to the doctor last week as you know. Her test results came back and she has Leukemia. I have to take her back for more tests to find out what stage it is in and to discuss options." His hands dropped again and started shaking. Brice had promised his parents he would take care of her as best possible. Both had been fairly old when she had been born and both had died of natural causes within a month of each other. She had been a major oops since Brice was almost fifteen years older than she was. When she had been born their mother had been almost fifty. Both had died just over a year ago.

Gloria jerked almost like she had been slapped and looked at Storm in horror, *Kevin, Brice just told us his sister has leukemia. She was just diagnosed and they don't know any more. I can't even imagine how he is feeling right now. What do you want us to do?* Having grown up on Earth she knew how devastating cancer could be for a family.

Kevin was expecting it to be bad and it was, *Give me a few minutes to talk to Smiles about how to handle this. I can see this causing problems if we don't deal with it. If we don't we could lose him as a possible pack father for Klithian. Also on a personal level I wouldn't feel right not doing something and the girl dying.* He knew Smiles would have heard since he hadn't blocked it from her. Unless the conversation was private Smiles heard most everything he discusses via the implant.

The Terran Enclave - Klithian Chronicle 1 #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now