I'm a unicorn!

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Once upon a time, there was a little rhino named Musim, and he believed that he was not a rhino but a unicorn. Everyone looked at him and sighed. They tried to convince him that he wasn't a unicorn. They would say that unicorns looked like horses with horns. They would tell him to look at his legs. He told them that was true but it didn't matter because he was a unicorn. One day, Musim decided he was going to find a unicorn and ask them

Frist he came across a giraffe.

"Excuse me?" Musim called, craning his neck to look at the giraffe. The giraffe looked down at him.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Are you a unicorn?"


"What are you then?"

"I am a giraffe."

"Am I unicorn?"


"How do you know I'm not a unicorn?"

"You don't look like a unicorn."

"What does a unicorn look like?"

"A unicorn looks a bit like me but with a much shorter neck and a horn on their head."

The little rhino shook his head and continued forth until he happened upon a zebra and he repeated his questions. His answers were much the same as the giraffe before him.

"What does a unicorn look like, then?"

"Like me except it's a solid color and has a horn on its head."

"I have a horn!"

"But you don't look like I do you?"

So Musim wandered off until found a gazelle. It to answered similarly to the creatures before it.

"A unicorn looks like me except it has a single horn in the middle of his head.

Finally, Musim stumbled across a creature he had never seen before. It was a majestic and the air tingled with magic and hummed with ancientness.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, Child?"

"Do you know what a unicorn looks like? I've been told that one looks like a horse with horn, but I've never seen a horse. Mrs. Giraffe said it looked like her except with a shorter neck. The zebra told me it looked like him except that it was a solid color. And the gazelle said it looked like him but with horn in the middle of his head. But they all look so different."

"Well Child, I am a unicorn."

Musim eyes grew wide.

"Am I a unicorn?"

"Yes, Child, I believe you could be." The unicorn said and inclined it's head.

Musim felt his body tingle and change as magic washed over him.

Musim and his fellow unicorn traveled back to Musim's family and everywhere he went, Musim proudly declared he was a unicorn. The creatures all smiled and nodded, some even bowed. Musim had never been so happy in his life. Finally, they reached Musim's family.

"Am I a unicorn?" He asked his father.

"Yes. If only my son was here to see you. He's always spouting rubbish about being a unicorn."

"But, Father, I am here. I told you I was a unicorn and I was right."

Before his father could reply, the other unicorn butted in.

"Musim you have proven to me you are truly worthy being a unicorn. Before I simply enchanted these creatures to see you on the inside as opposed to what was on the outside. But you have proven to me that you truly are worthy of being a unicorn."

And again Musim body tingled and changed. And there in all his glory, Musim was permanently transformed into a gray unicorn.

The End.

The morales of this story is that being who you are despite what other people tell you are is important, standing by your beliefs no matter what people tells you is also important, and that you shouldn't judge a book, or in this case a creature, by it's cover, or apperance.

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