Girls Night

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I got all of the stuff set up in Rydel room. All of the stuff necessary for a girls night.

Ice cream, Blankets, Candy, Tissues, Movie DVD, and such.

I changed into my PJ's and so did Rydel.

I turned on Teen Wolf and Rydel landed right next to me.

We watched a few shows and we got bored and decided to talk.

I placed a pink starburst in my mouth and I watched Rydel explain what products she uses in her hair and what makeup brushes she buys.

I told her about the date Ross and I had that day and how Ross reacted when that guy at the Ice Cream Place flirted with me

"I mean it wasn't the first time anyone has flirted with me while I was with Ross" I told her

"Ooo" She sounded as she wiggled her eyebrows

"Hey he even gave me his number, want to text him" I said

"Oh my gosh yes. If he is as hot as you said he was" Rydel said gushing.

Its as if she didn't even have her heartbroken today.

"Trust me, he was pretty hot" I said as my voice trailed off. Rydel started giggling.

I ran to the drawer and got the piece of paper that he gave me.

"This is his number, Look what he wrote" I said handing it to her

"You have a beautiful smile. Call me?" Rydel read aloud.

I texted him and Rydel sat next to me looking over my shoulder


Meghan: Hey

Justin: Who is this?

Meghan: The beautiful girl from the Ice Cream Place. The one that you offered free Ice Cream to.

Rydel started laughing next to me.

Justin: Meghann!!

Meghan: Yup

Justin: I added your number to my phone

Meghan: Oo my boyfriend wont like that

I started feeling bad. I promised Ross not to use his number but I am. Its for Rydel

Yeah its to help Rydel feel better.

Justin: Well your boyfriend can fuck off

Rydel shifted uncomfortably.

Meghan: Or you can

Justin: Oo you think your such a bad girl. Don't you?

Meghan: Okay I gotta go.

Justin: Bye babe

Babe? Woah.


"Well that was interesting" Rydel said.

"I know. He doesn't even care that I have a boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes

"You can have his number if you want. Who knows? Maybe you guys will hit it off" I said holding out the slip of paper

I watched as Rydel entered it on her phone and started texting Justin.

I am so proud that she is willing to move on from Ell. But if Justin breaks her heart. I will stomp on him

I ate more candy as Rydel texted him. And then she put her phone down.

"Hey Rydel, do you know the girl Ell is dating? I asked her causally

"No he didn't say her name" She said

"Maybe I can get him to tell me her name" I said smiling slowly

"So what if we get her name?" Rydel said getting kind of angry

"Maybe we can break them up." I said curiously as I jumped up

Rydel sat there thinking.

"I told you that I will help you. Maybe if we can break them up we can get Ell and you together" I said

"I don't know. Isn't that wrong?" She asked

"But at the end its all for the best. I mean Ell broke your heart doesn't he deserve a little one heartbreak. Besides he gonna fall in love afterward" I said smiling

"I guess we can break them up" she said quietly 

"But first we need to know her name. I will find out from him" I said

"Okay" she smiled brightly.

We fell back and slipped in a disk to a Disney Movie.












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