{1.09}No Leaving

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Alan, Ellie, Ian, the kids, and I all went downstairs and outside to the swimming pool.

It was a humongous pool but no one else was there to enjoy it.

The kids and I properly introduced ourselves, knowing we'd be together for a while.

The boys name was Tim. He was 9 years old. The girls name was Lex. She was 12.

Alan, Ellie, Ian, and I all sat in lounge poolside chairs watching Lex and Tim splash around.

"Beth! Watch this!" Tim yelled as he did a cannon ball into the pool. All of us adults clapped for Tim.

2 men came out of the hotel and into the pool area. A short, chubby, man with thin hair and a mustache who looked to be 45 and a man who had a younger face who looked 25, walked up to Alan.

"Hello, Dr. Grant. I'm Mr. Castillo. This is my partner Mr. Mendez. We work with the Costa Rican government and we are funding your stay." he said with a smile, shaking Alan's hand.

"Hmmm so you're the one responsible for our captivity." Alan said disapprovingly, sipping from a straw in his cup.

Mr. Castillo chuckled, "I wouldn't say captivity. Just think of it as a 6 month, free, vacation."

"It's not a vacation if we don't want to be here." Alan said now with a darker tone in his voice.

Mr. Castillo chuckled again as if he weren't taking Alan seriously. "Señor, it's only 6 months. You're free to call whoever you want."

"You say 'only' like its a little bit of time. It's half a year. We need to leave sooner." Alan said getting up. Ellie grabbed his arm and pulled him back down onto the chair.

"Alan please...." Ellie said softly.

"You don't talk much. What do you do?" Alan scoffed tugging on Mr. Mendez's shirt.

"I... am... Mr. Castillo's assistant....señor." he stuttered back.

"Hmph." Alan scoffed taking along sip of his iced tea.

"Enjoy your stay Mr. Grant." Mr. Castillo said waving bye to Tim and Lex and walking away.

"Enjoy? Enjoy my ass, you miserable fool." Alan said staring down at his glass of iced tea.

We all returned our attention on Lex and Tim, who were now hitting each other with pool noodles.

Ellie chuckled and got up to sit on the edge of the pool to dip her feet in.

"We're getting out of this place sooner than 6 months. Hah, there has to be a way." Alan softly said.

"Hopefully they'll let the kids go earlier. They need their parents." I said watching them begin to splash Ellie, and Ellie splashing them back playfully.

The kids got pruned fingers and decided to get out for dinner.

We hadn't seen Hammond all day but we didn't really want to anyways.

The kids went into their room and came out in fresh clothes.

Hammond was no where in sight so we proceeded and went downstairs to the dining hall.

We got downstairs and in the lobby Hammond stood with a woman who looked very young.

She had short blonde hair, and was very skinny.

"Mom!" Lex and Tim shrieked.

The ran into her arms as she started to cry.

"Guess they're going home." Ian said behind me grabbing my shoulder and squeezing it.

We watched from afar as the kids gave Hammond their good bye hugs and kisses.
Hammond followed the reunited family outside.

A faint sound of a helicopter was heard as it slowly disappeared.

Hammond walked back in. Wiping his tears away with a little handkerchief.

"It's all my fault. I tormented the poor, poor children with my idea. Jurassic Park was supposed to make the children happy. Not crush their imagination them." he whispered.

None of us showed signs of sympathy. The old man could get killed and we wouldn't care less.

We all ate dinner in silence. And made our way up to our rooms.

The shower was huge. It was a cave shower with an overhead shower and very dim light, relaxing.

I stepped in and couldn't help but to just stand in the warm heat of the shower.

The water pelted my skin. It was a little too hot but I was too relaxed to turn the temperature down.

It made me feel so much better to be clean again.

I got out of the shower and realized I didn't have any clean clothes.

I'll just sleep naked. I thought.

I walked out of the steam filled bathroom wrapped in a towel and into the bedroom.
Ian layed on the bed switching through channels.

"They dropped off our stuff. All washed and clean... Again." Ian said pointing to our hampers in the hallway.

I dug through mine and found a fresh set of underwear and a huge t shirt to wear to bed.

I brushed my hair out and let it dry by itself.

I could feel Ian watching me. I switched he light off and layed down next to him.

I dug into the warm comforter and layed on my stomach, face down on the pillow.

I turned my head to the side and looked at Ian who was doing the same.

We looked at each other for a minute until I broke the silence and said,

"We have to escape, somehow."

Ian yawned and shook his head in agreement.

"No one... would ah ever predict we'd be held captive after almost being eaten alive. But we are definitely going to escape. Alan is uh very intelligent. He will come up with a little something."

"Yea he's a good man. What are we even going to do when we get back home?" I said putting a piece of Ian's hair behind his ear.

"I guess things would be normal. People are going to ask about our trip though. We have every right to give them the truth," Ian explained as I started falling into slumber.

"Goodnight, Beth." I heard Ian whisper. I felt a firm touch on my lips and I fell quickly into sleep.

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