{2.02}New Beginning

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I scurried toward the crammed elevator, toting over 10 people to the higher levels. I held Ian's documents tight against my chest and ran into the almost closed doors. I stood still, listening to the elevator music when my co-worker Sophie piped up.

"Congratulations, Beth. Or shall I start calling you Mrs. Malcolm?" Sophie giggled, holding my left hand up to her face, examining the huge expensive rock on my ring finger.

"Thank you, Sophie. And it's okay, you can still call me Beth." I replied giving her a warm smile. I couldn't even think of introducing myself as Mrs. Malcolm. Ian had proposed to me last weekend in his apartment, where he insisted on making dinner.

As the years passed by we couldn't help but get closer, and even fall in love.

Now I felt obligated to wear the ring and get loads of congratulations.

I stared down at my ring and tilted my hand at different angles to see it in different lighting.

The elevator chimed and opened up. I looked above the doors to check what floor we were on. 12. My floor.

I walked out of the elevator and made way to Ian's office. I got congratulated at least 20 times before I even got to Ian's door. I took a deep breath and swiftly opened the door. But to my surprise, he wasn't there. 

I glanced around the office and saw no sight of his wild curly hair. I set my documents down on his desk. The hinges creaked and I stood still.

"Hello, Mrs. Malcolm." a familiar voice said behind me, putting their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to Ian's smiling face. I instantly felt my cheeks burn.

"Oh my God. Hi." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest.

"That's all I get?" he asked raising one eyebrow.

"Definitely, not." I whispered pulling him in by his collar for a kiss.

Right before our lips could meet, the phone rang.

"Oh uh guess I'll get that..." Ian said grabbing the phone and sitting down in his chair. "Ian Malcolm chaotician and mathematician..."

I couldn't hear what the other line was saying, but I pretended to be doing something anyway. I flipped through papers and organized them, as I always reverted to doing when Ian wasn't available to tell me what to do.

"No. I'm not. Thank you for your uh forgiveness. Uh never. Neither is she! Because I am responsible for her life! No thank you. You'll have to kidnap me to make me go back there. I understand-" Ian continued yelling into the phone.

What on Earth was he talking about? Being kidnapped? What kind of conversation would lead to that kind of thought? He can be so over dramatic...

"Goodbye." Ian finished slamming the phone down.

"Why would you be kidnapped, Ian?" I sighed organizing more papers. He tended to be a drama queen at times when work stressed him out.

"That was Hammond." He stated rubbing his temples, standing up and walking towards me.

A shock of fear ran through me.

"H-Hammond. Oh my God.No no no. You're joki-" I stuttered with wide eyes. 

"Beth, no calm down. Look at me." Ian said holding my wrist making me look up into his brown eyes.

"What Ian?" I pleaded.

"He's understands. He's not mad. Just disappointed." Ian said now holding my hands, interlocking my fingers with his.

"What did he want then?" I asked, still worried.

"He has another island. He wants us to uh go to it." he said flatly looking down at the floor.

"Well we aren't going..." I said crossing my arms. "I've already almost lost you once and I'm not going to do that again."

"I never said we were going, Beth." Ian laughed.

"This isn't funny, Ian." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't think it is." he said stifling a smile.

"You seem like you don't care." I said even more stern, tightening my grip, making my arms red.

"You know what, Beth? I blocked those memories out. I was traumatized. Put to sleep. Almost bleed out to death! I don't care what happened at that park, and I'm not going to think about it. Every little thing that happened was a mistake." he said half heartedly.

"So everything that happened between us was a mistake?" I say with a breathy laugh.

"Beth no-"

"I'm going to go get some coffee." I softly said dropping my arms to my side and grabbing my clutch.

"Beth, n-n-" Ian started.

"Not now, Ian." I said walking out of the office.
I heard the door shut and didn't even look back. I walked straight to the elevator. Before I could press the button, Sophie hopped next to me.

"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked pushing back her glasses on her nose.

"Yes, thank you, Sophie. I just need alone time. To think to myself about wedding stuff." I lied, pushing the button.

"Oh, okay. If you don't mind, if you find yourself at a coffee shop, can you get me a caramel iced coffee? I'll pay you back." She asked smiling.

"Sure, Sophie." I smiled stepping into the now-open elevator.

It was completely empty, I could hear myself think. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cold metal wall. I opened my eyes and watched the numbers go down.


I walked outside into the crisp September air. The chilly wind felt good in my hair as I walked into the parking garage. I found my car and hopped in. I turned the heater on and my favorite station.

I drove carefully out of the garage and took off to a Starbucks. I stepped out of the car and headed toward the shop. That's when I saw a familiar crippled old man.

"Hello there, Ms. Lohmann."

"Hello Dr. Hammond."

Chaos// Ian Malcolm (UNDER UPDATES) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant