{3.03} Safe Now

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"Just the other day you wanted nothing to do with this place, and now you want to go?" Ian asked.

After the phone call with this Claire Dearing, I began to speak with Ian about the conversation.

"She said she would like to give us another chance, for seeing the dinosaurs in a completely safe environment." I explained, looking down at my husband who sat up in bed, adjusting his glasses to his face. 

"Another chance..." he mumbled, now eyeing my outfit.

I crossed my arms across my chest as to not distract him from the topic at hand, to which he rolled his eyes and chuckled "You sure know what distracts me."



"Should we?" 

"If you would like."

"That's not helpful."

Ian sighed, and rubbed his temple and drew his attention back to me.

"If, and I'm saying 'if', we were to do this, it would be something we both want to do." he said, scooting to the edge of the bed to rest his hands on my sides. 

"Part of me somewhat wants to go Ian. Like closure? I don't know, it feels wrong because of the money-" 

"Forget the money, Beth. I feel the same. Yea... I feel the same." Ian agreed, nodding his head.

"She said Hammond would have wanted us there."

"That old man just wanted our approval, I suppose, in the most sadistic of ways." Ian added.

"You're not kidding." I agreed, allowing him to sit forward and rest his head on my stomach as I played with his curls. 

"Are we taking Hadley?" he asked, muffled.

"I mean, how many other kids are going to get to go to Jurassic World, and get all of the special guest treatment and perks?" I softly laughed, truly wanting the best for my daughter. 

"We're going?" I heard a chipper little voice ask. 

Ian and I both drew our attention to our bedroom door to find Hadley, clad in her pajamas, sleep still in her eyes.

"Only if you want to, baby." I said, looking over to my daughter.

"It's safe now?" 

"It's safe, my love." 

Chaos// Ian Malcolm (UNDER UPDATES) Where stories live. Discover now