At least that's what they had thought.


Yesterday morning in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall-

"Alright, listen up Brats! I'm going to be announcing the five people to be participating in the Grand Magic Games on behalf of Fairy Tail!" Master Makarov called out into the guild and everyone fell silent so they could hear him clearly. "The first three will be, Erza, Gray and Natsu!" He announced and the three who had been called nodded and smiled a little.

Everyone had been expecting those three to be picked for this, so their was no surprise among the rest of the members. But who would the next two be?

Chase crossed his arms over his chest and cast a glance over his shoulder at the closed doors. No one had heard from any of the members who had gone off to train in three months, only the group with Team Natsu that had come back yesterday. Chase glanced toward Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Wendy. He had noticed it as soon as they got back, they were stronger definitely, but he could also tell they were tired, and he was sure they were sore as hell.

But everybody else who had disappeared hadn't been seen at all, and that included his old mentor, Frea. She had said she would be training, and she had taken a job at the same time. It was a little odd that she hadn't come back yet, she wasn't usually late.

"The other two will be," Chase looked back at Master as he started again. "Wendy and Lucy!"

A chorus of murmuring and surprised talking broke out at the decision. Chase himself was little surprised, Wendy and Lucy weren't exactly known for their fighting skills.

"Me?" Lucy asked in shock.

"Why me? I'm not good at fighting! Maybe you should pick someone else?" Wendy said hastily and Chase smiled a little at how nervous the small Dragon Slayer seemed.

"Master chose you two based on teamwork, not power." Erza told the two and gave them a reassuring smile.

"Still, I thought gramps would pick somebody else." Gray murmured, far out of the earshot of the three girls. Natsu nodded and Master sighed, sweatdropping a little.

"Well I would have picked Laxus, Gajeel or Frea had they been here." Master told the two. "But the haven't got back yet."

"That's right." Mira murmured, and the white-haired mage looked Chase's way. "Have you gotten any word from Frea recently?" Mira asked him and he shrugged as he shook his head.

"Not a thing, knowing Teach, there's probably a pretty good reason she's late." He replied.

"What about that Jynx girl?" Gray asked him and Chase blinked in surprise when he saw Master stiffen at the ghosts name.

"Nope." He answered after a pause.


As the hour passed both Dragon Slayers kept going strong, never stopping, and only receiving a few more minor wounds as they fought on. Both Frea and Solana came to a stop to catch their breath as they looked at what was left of the Black Chimera Guild. Out of the hundred Mages that had been standing in the hall at the start, only about a dozen were left to keep fighting.

The mages looked frightened, furious and shocked as they looked at the two girls standing before them, they really couldn't wrap their heads around how they were being beaten so easily by the two of them. Frea had easily taken down the man who had attacked them the first day she had met Solana, a few minutes ago, and he now lay unconscious near the back of the dark building. In an instant both young woman lunged forward and took the small group of twelve down to six.

Energy Magic [Fairy Tail]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें