••• Ten •••

Start from the beginning

There's one that stands out to me, one of her on her wedding day. "Olivia Rice married to Ted Adams," she speaks, happiness flooding her words. I smile, enjoying the fact that she glows when she sees pictures of her wedding day.
We go through some more, pointing out the birth of her son's as I find it always to be going through these with her. "Well, I'd better turn in for the night," I explain, getting to my feet.
"Oh, that's fine, I'll get one of the boys to drive you home, it's so cold tonight."
"I'm fine, I enjoy these late night walks," I explain, collection my jacket and scarf.

"No trouble, besides, it's freezing out there."

I allow her to call back down Brian, thanking her for the hospitality as Brian marched me out the door. Waving bye, I hop into his car and give him the directions.

Just as we pull out, something catches my eyes, a light, a light in the grand entrance of his house.

I've never seen a light there. I've never even seen him turn on a light. Weird.
"Lily, I've got to put one word in before you go and shut me out," Brian informs as we pass a couple of streets and near my home. "Nixon Maxwell-

"Do we really?" I groan, my cheeks flushing red. A part of me is embarrassed while the other hates every ounce that many people know I was basically having sex with their leader and let him claim me at only seventeen.

"Nixon Maxwell is a man who is used to getting his way." I scoff. "I've never seen him so focused though, so drawn out of his life to persist a female." I meet his stare. "No, I'm not one to call you a shameful word, but I will say to be cautious."

"Just like Emily," I groan, hopping out of the car as we arrive at my house.
Shutting the door, I rush to the front steps and open the door fast.

I spend the rest of the night in the shower, closing my eyes as I think of Nixon, my fingers tracing the mark he left behind upon my body. A mark to remind me always of him. As I exit the shower, I walk over my work clothes and pull on a loose shirt and pajama pants as I can hear Taylor listening to music lightly.

Emily and Oliver tell me Taylor has no idea, that the people within the pack would never dare letting a human in on their world, for that would result in banishment or death.

Grabbing a towel, I dry my hair and get ready for another week without Nixon.
But can I really make it? Can I really avoid him for so long? Winter is nearing, the break where I won't have school to distract me, and I doubt, when winter break comes, that I'll be opening that door, exposing me to all sorts of new dangers.


"Have a great winter break," Mrs. Metz concludes our lesson as I finish the last note. "And I assume you'll practice."

"You know me," I reply with a smile as I pack up. Ever since the whole incident with Nixon almost a month ago, I've taken a greater passion for piano than ever before, working my fingers night and day against my home's piano. I miss the feeling of those polished ivories, the soothing sound, and appearance of the piano upon those steps in his piano room, how that one night I spent an hour just playing away. God, I could kill to play those notes again.

As I exit the school, I wrap my red scarf around my neck, trying to keep warm as the cold makes me want to curl up by a fireplace.

Unlocking my car, I find a call from Terrance. In the end, once Terrance found my mark, he called it off, deciding to stay away, saying he'd rather not insult a man he's looked up to for all of his life. Yet, a piece of me says that Terrance's comment is only temporary.

I don't reply to Terrance as I hop in my car and start up the engine.

I have work today till nine and I'm not the most happy about it. Quickly, I pull back my hair and apply a thin layer of mascara as I make sure my black clothes look fine. By the time I'm at work, I'm waiting tables like a mad woman, trying so hard just to get my pay.

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