It was finally lunchtime. Jisoo felt a wave of nervousness wash over him. Would Seokmin's friends even like him? He was normally so awkward around people when he first met them. What would they talk about? Would they even acknowledge him? What if they didn't want to talk to him at all?

"Jisoo!" an excited voice screamed. Jisoo felt a pair of arms snake around his waist from behind as a head rested on his shoulder. His face heated up.

"Seokmin, get off me! We're in the cafeteria, people are gonna stare!" Jisoo said, turning his blushing face away from Seokmin as he pushed him away.

"Aw c'mon, it's not a big deal or anything. People do this all the time in here! Hey, one time I even saw this guy put his hand on his girlfriend's butt to move her around on his lap," Seokmin mentioned with a grin. He finally noticed Jisoo's face. "Hey, you're blushing? How cute!"

"Shut up," Jisoo grumbled. He gave Seokmin a glare then grimaced. "That's disgusting though. Who would do that in the lunchroom? People eat here!"

"Not one for PDA then, huh? That's understandable though. I wouldn't do anything like that with my partner in front of people. Maybe I'd kiss them, but that would probably be it." Seokmin replied. "Hey, will you come get lunch with me? I'll show you where we're sitting after."

Jisoo gave a nonchalant shrug. "Sure, why not? I need to buy my lunch too."

The two walked to the lunch line. Jisoo looked at the choices, then grabbed a chicken salad, deciding it was probably the safest and healthiest choice. Feeling an urge for chocolate, he took a cookie too. Seokmin chose a small pizza and a bag of celery and carrots. The younger boy looked at Jisoo's food with a puzzled look.

"A salad? That's not what I was expecting. Not that there's anything wrong with a salad! I just thought you'd probably buy something else to eat," Seokmin said, his eyes widening as he realized that his words could've been considered offensive.

"Ah, well today I just felt like having a salad and being healthier, you know? Also, it seems like the safest option since I've never eaten from here," Jisoo replied, giving the younger boy a reassuring smile.

Seokmin grinned back at Jisoo, relieved that the older boy wasn't offended. He took Jisoo's lunch out of his hand causing Jisoo to give him a confused look.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Jisoo exclaimed as Seokmin punched in his lunch number to pay for their food. "You don't have to pay for that Seokmin, really!"

"Don't worry about it Jisoo, just let me pay," Seokmin asserted, flashing a smile at the lunch lady as he thanked her. He gave Jisoo back his meal after he had paid for it.

"You really didn't have to do that," Jisoo mumbled, starting to blush again. How many times had Seokmin managed to make him blush today? It was getting embarrassing.

"It's fine, I wanted to. Besides, I'm making you sit with me and my friends right? It's the least I could do," Seokmin explained.

He led Jisoo to a table full of chattering people. As the two walked over, one of the boys sitting there saw them and got the attention of another boy, pointing at Seokmin and Jisoo as he said something to the other. The other boy's confused look turned to one of recognition.

"Seokmin! Isn't this that guy you bumped into a while ago? Jisoo right? Seokmin has told us so much about you!" the second boy loudly proclaimed. He shot a playful grin towards the two, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

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