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Yoichi's POV

"Yuu-kun?" I begin, turning to the dark haired boy beside me. "Is everything ok?" He straightens his posture as I talk to him. He had been particularly quiet all day, but I have only just noticed it now as we are walking to my house. 

"I'm fine," He finally replies, managing a weak smile. I have become rather close to this boy over the last couple of months and I know when something is the matter with him. 

"You can tell me anything, Yuu-kun. You know this." I hold his arm to give him reassurance. He screws up his face before exhaling and stopping in his tracks. He turns to me, gazing into my eyes with his own and taking my hands. 

"Yoichi, you are literally the reason I'm walking home right now. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have made it this far. I was so fucking lonely without Mikaela and then you filled the hole in my heart." I look at his flustered face and know mine is the same. "I appreciate you so much, and I need you to know that I...I like you...as more than a friend." 


The thought has never crossed my mind that he might have feelings for me. I mean, it's never happened before. I have always been the shy boy who had to sit at the back of the class because people would constantly throw stationary at me, or had his clothes stolen from the changing rooms and had to wear a girls uniform from the lost and found because that's all they had. I've never really thought about my own feelings, either. Do I like Yuu-kun?  I don't think so, I don't really like anyone in that way. Then if that is the case, what do I say? I don't want to hurt Yuu-kun's feelings, nor do I want things to become awkward between us. 

"Yuu-kun," I finally say, the red tint my face once had fading. 

"I understand if you don't want to be my boyfriend. I just wanted to get this out, I'm in love with you, Yoichi." I look up at the tall flustered boy, and shoot him a reassuring smile. He is cute when he blushes.

Vanilla twilight (YuuYoi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt