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c h a p t e r  1 3  :  *We all needed a pov who was on the other side ;) comment vote & enjoy!*

"My parents think I'm a drug addict." Billy Leed mumbled into both hands covering his face. A small sphere speaker hovered wanting more from the young man. Elbows perched on the metal lacking warmth he spoke to the glass and the woman behind it. "I quit school for you, Katherine. Medical school, my father was ... well he was upset."

He peeled his hands down from his young clean shaven face. A burly bruise of faded purples and yellows shaded one eye. Billy stared down at his hands, not yet having the stomach to look at her.

"Billy, did your father do this?" The feminine voice of an angel came calling through the glass. It sounded so caring, so motherly. "Look at me, love."

There was hesitation, but he lifted his eyes reluctantly. He couldn't see any disappointment in those big doe eyes, these eyes were understanding, these eyes knew pain. "I - ah - I moved across the states just to see you ... I've got nothing now."

Katherine shook her head from side to side, "No, you've got me. I'm your friend." She leaned forward, "And I take care of my friends, William."

It had been a long drive. The moon had fled and the sun had risen. With four people in the car it was oddly silent. Billy looked over to the kid he sat in the back with, Logan Cross. He was contently bundled in large headphones, watching some kid cartoon.

Eyes could be felt on him, but he kept staring out the window. Emmett had shared many glances in the back through the rear-view mirror. They were lingering stares, lover stares. In the presences of Maggie, who sat in the passenger front, Billy felt uncomfortable.

It was another hour before the subaru pulled into the driveway of an old, yet freshly fixed up farm house. Out the windows all Billy could see were trees, trees, and more trees. They were in the middle of nowhere - the nearest neighbor a mile away.

Logan had stirred, "Wow, look at this place!" He discarded the headphones frantically pointing at the window tugging on Billy's sleeve.

Maggie had gotten out opening the back door, helping him out. She was still his nanny –

"Whose house is this?"

Billy opened his door climbing out going around to the back to gather all the bags listening to Maggie utter little lies as if they were the truth read from a holy book. "Friend of a friend."

"And it's ok that we're here?" Logan sounded confused.

"Yeah. Come on, let's check it out."

"Can I call my mom now?" It wasn't the first time he asked.

"Honey, I told you. Your mom told us not to call. She doesn't want anyone to know where we are. You remember what I said? "

"We're on an adventure!" His little body ran toward the house.

Maggie looked back, Billy caught her hazel eyes and she smiled at him. He couldn't help but smile back. They had been successful, after all.

Wrinkles had set in Emmett's forehead from scowling when Billy finally turned his attention to him. They had lived together for years, he knew all of Emmett's moods and how quickly they could turn. Reaching in Billy grabbed the handles of two closest bags asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"I hate kids." He breathed out searching for his bag.

He smiled elbowing his shoulder playfully, "Stop it."

But Emmett wasn't in the mood for fooling around. He threw a bag to the ground, his face a deepening frown. "I do. I hate talking to them, I hate looking at them."

"Hey." Billy's hand clasped the side of Emmett's neck, inches between them, voice a whisper. "Not this kid, ok? You like this kid." He squeezed reassuringly. "Just keep saying it over and over again until it sticks."

"I'd rather snap his neck." Emmett replied with no emotion on his older face, then let out a half-hearted chuckle. "I'm kidding."

"Is there a problem?" Maggie's voice broke off their conversation. Her hands rested on her thin hips with penciled eyebrows arched too high in an accusing manner.

Billy dropped his hand from Emmett, face flushed like a kid that had been caught doing wrong. He answered her gripping the bags handles firmly until his knuckles appeared white. "Nope. No. Not here."

"We're on an adventure with a kid, and I like kids." Emmett added leaning down to fetch his bag walking past her adding for good measure. "Especially this kid."

Maggie looked over her shoulder watching the built figure become a shadow as he made his way toward the front entrance. She stepped closer to Billy who remained with a bag in each hand.

"It's been a long night, he's just tired—"

She hungrily pressed her lips to his whispering, "It's good to have you back."

- 2006 -

Hair combed to the side, Billy was dressed his best to impress. He watched Maggie handle the cutting knife with ease as she sliced through the cucumber upon the kitchen counter. He was in her home for the very first time and it felt good to be wanted. Katherine had been right, she told him she had found his perfect match.

She was his type, she was a special.

Her brunette hair was cut short, almost as short as his very own and her mother had already expressed to him that she thought it made her daughter look like boy. Or a girl who wasn't into boys. But Billy only replied in simple words and loving smiles. She had his heart, he didn't care about her hair.

"So tell me, William, what do you do?" Her mother's voice asked from the dining room.

He gave Maggie a reassuring smile as he took hold of the salad bowl carrying it into the adjoining room. Her mother was on her third glass of red wine and wore an outfit that left little to his imagination.

"Uh, currently I am in between jobs." He said setting the bowl on the tables edge careful where he placed his eyes when speaking to her.

"Well, you're too pretty to work." She teased raising her glass to her smeared pink lips.

Maggie carried the cutting board and knife in sounding like any embarrassed teenager, "Mom!"

Her mother's shoulders shrugged moving what Billy assumed was fake hair that looked too plastic, "I can't believe you two are really dating."

Billy could see it, the hurt etched across Maggie's freckle covered face. He cleared his throat gently before having the voice to speak up,

"Your daughter is the most amazing woman I know."

"Hmm," her mother eyed her daughter before turning directly to him draping her red acrylic nails along his shoulder. "So, you like the no-fuss plain janes. That's sweet of you. Most boys don't – Unh –"

Blood splatter sprayed from above her navel and onto Billy's crisp white shirt as a knife's tip said hello. He froze, eyes wide. That was blood ... Maggie's little figure behind her mother jerked as the knives tip wrenched toward the side.

Somewhat of an odd gurgle left her mother's mouth as her body fell under itself and she stared up with bulging eyes at her daughter. Maggie stared down her chest rising and falling with every deep breath, the knife was drenched in her covered fist and of all things she grinned.

"You - you did it." Billy stuttered grabbing hold of a chair's wooden back. He stared down at the woman whose blood soaked through his shirt and brought a warmth on his skin. The woman's stomach was still, her eyes unmoving. "You really did it."

Maggie made her first kill. 

Billy watched his first human die. 

Katherine would be proud. 

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