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The great war of Mahabharat was fought between the Pandavas and Kauravas. The eldest Kaurava was Duryodhan. His best friend was Karna. Karna was actually the eldest son of Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas. Because of circumstances, he was brought up as the son of charioteer.

All his life, Karna was always ridiculed and never given the respect of being a warrior. There is a story of why Karna despite being the noblest, bravest and one of the best warriors was destined to suffer his life.....

Much much before the Mahabharat, there lived as asura called Dambhodbhav. Dambhodbhav wanted to be powerful. So he prayed to Surya, the Sun God.

Surya appeared before him, "Open your eyes son! I am pleased with your devotion!"

Dambhodbhav bowed before him, "Lord! I am blessed to see you!"

Surya smiled, "I wish to grant you a boon! Ask anything from me!"

Dambhodbhav hid a smile, "My Lord! Please make me immortal!"

Surya frowned, "That is not possible! Everything that is born has to die! Immortality is out of question!"

Dambhodbhav's shoulder drooped. He knew that no matter how much he asked, Surya would never grant him the boon of immortality. All the time he had spent meditating were a waste....

Surya stood there patiently waiting for Dambhodbhav to ask him, when he suddenly saw a glint in Dambhodbhav's eyes. Surya's eye narrowed. Dambhodbhav bowed to him, "My Lord! If you cannot make me immortal atleast grant me this boon!" Surya looked suspiciously as Dambhodbhav continued, "I want to be protected by a thousand armours!"

Surya looked at Dambhodbhav with surprise as the asura continued, "The thousand armours can be broken only by someone who performs penance for a thousand years! And that is not all..." Surya looked at Dambhodbhav with horror as he continued, "Whoever breaks my armour should die immediately!"

Surya was horribly worried. He knew that Dambhodbhav had performed a very powerful penance and that he could get the entire boon he had asked for. And Surya had a feeling that Dambhodbhav was not going to use his powers for good.

However having no choice in the matter, Surya granted Dambhodbhav the boon. But deep down Surya still admired Dambhodbhav for the devotion with which he prayed to him...

Surya's worries were however correct. Immediately after getting the boon from Surya, Dambhodbhav started wrecking havoc on people. People were scared of fighting with him. There was no way of defeating him. Anybody who stood in his way was crushed by him. People started calling him Sahasrakavacha. [meaning one who has a thousand armours]

It was around this time that King Daksha [the father of Sati, the first wife of Shiva] got one of his daughters Murti married to Dharma - one of the 'Mind' sons of Lord Brahma, the God of Creation [It is said that Lord Brahma created his mind sons or Manas putras from his thoughts]

Murti had also heard of Sahasrakavacha and wanted to put an end to his menace. So she prayed to Lord Vishnu to come and help the people.

Lord Vishnu pleased with her appeared before her, "Murti! I am pleased with your devotion! I will come and slay Sahasrakavacha! Because you have prayed to me, you would be the reason for slaying Sahasrakavacha!"

Murti was happy. Subsequently she gave birth to not one child, but twin sons. She named them as Narayana and Nara.

Narayana and Nara grew up in the ashrama surrounded by the forests. They enjoyed praying to Lord Shiva. Their mother also encouraged them to learn fighting. The two brothers learnt the art of warfare.

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