Swan Song

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"Emma, no. I'm not going to murder you." I said firmly, she shook her head and started crying, her tears bringing back some of the color to her pale complexion. She shook her head and gave me a stern look, the darkness quickly assuaging my decision.

"Regina, you have to think about everyone else. They are all going to die and be sucked into hell, including our son, Roland, and the baby!" Emma said sharply, taking Excalibur out from its place in her house.

"Fine." I managed, the choice sitting uneasily with me.


Two hours ago

Mass chaos erupted as my family discovered the truth about Hook's plan, and how everyone was now doomed. Thanks to me.

I broke the damn pen. If I hadn't been so melodramatic and maybe stored it in a safe instead of snapping the damn thing in half, we may not even be in this problem!

That wasn't even the worst of my issues. I failed. My mom and Hook were dark, and neither of my mother's let me anywhere near the pirate after his encounters with them. But I hadn't solved the operation. Operation Light Swan had failed, we only made matters worse, and I, the author, the most powerful human being in all of the realms stood on the sidelines and watched.

I was able to help my other mother with her darkness, but that was when she wasn't so delicate, when some tough love and persistence helped her change. But Emma is different, she couldn't change just by that, the darkness had driven her to do many things, such as rip out my girlfriend's heart for her own good. But Killian was on a bloodthirsty rampage, and I knew this was my debt to pay.

My mom was off sending Zelena away with Robin and my other mom was looking for her insane pirate, which bought me some time.

I rushed over to her house and checked to see if she was there, thankfully the house seemed vacant.

The protection spell still encircled it but I bypassed with ease, rushing downstairs into her dungeon where she kept Excalibur.

Just as I predicted she had it hidden in a shelf, I quickly grabbed it and rushed out, running as fast as I could to the wooden castle where I first brought Emma.

I sat and waited, the night air hiding me well from the Dark Ones roaming around, and my mother's who always knew where I was at. My stomach churned as I sat and thought about what would happen when I make the switch, but I needed to do this, this would be my ticket to being a hero.

An hour passed and I was starting to grow tired, when I felt a burning feeling on my wrist, I yanked my sleeve away and saw a mark of Cain on my wrist, making my stomach drop. I quickly hid the large blade in my oversized jacket just in case.

Suddenly I appeared on the lawn by the lake with the rest of my family.


I appeared on the lawn by the lake with everyone, including Henry and Robin.

"Henry! Oh god you're safe!" I exclaimed, hugging him close to me, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and hug me.

"Honey, I just want you to know that I love you, more than anything." I said seriously, he nodded and then moved next to Robin, still keeping a safe distance from him.

"Hey kid, I love you, so much." Emma said hugging him, staring at him before she nodded at me and used her magic to drag me towards her.

"Emma?! What's going on?!" Snow cried, gripping David's arm, Killian appeared and looked on in frustration, unable to move thanks to Emma.

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