Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve

Start from the beginning

Once Jonathon was in front of Amanda's cage he looked at her hands and sighed, he reached into the cage reaching for her hands only to have Amanda quickly move away from him. Jonathon sighed, he then turned around and headed towards the door. He opened the door and left closing the door behind him.

They didn't know how long he was gone for, but he was back shortly after leaving with a few items in his hands. He walked to the closest cage to him which was Hibari's and threw something inside, "I would rather you all use your weapons than hurting your bodies, not that using them will help in any way. I just don't want you to get hurt or end up dying, I can't have you die just yet." He said as he walked to the next one and also threw something inside. He walked to every cage and gave back the weapons to them.

Hibari had his tonfas back, Mukuro and Chrome had their tridents back, Yamamoto had his swords back as well. Gokudera had his dynamites, Tsuna had his mittens back, and Enma had his back also (I don't know if Enma uses Mittens like Tsuna does or not, Can't remember), Ryohei had his boxing gloves thrown in as well, (He had brought them to town with him). As for the remaining weapons in his hands, he threw them into the cage that Lambo used to be in.

After having distributed back the weapons, he headed back over to Amanda's cage with a small box. He set the box on the floor he kneeled down and reached into the cage, and grabbed a hold of the chain that was attached to her leg and pulled.

Amanda had her legs tucked underneath her, so when Jonathon pulled on the chain Amanda lost her balance where she was sitting and fell to her side. But in the moment that her leg was pulled, they all heard a sickening sound, she felt her ankle pop, and felt pain shoot from her ankle all the way up her leg, and screamed in pain.

Ignoring the scream Jonathon continued to pull on the chain until it dragged Amanda in front of him. Her tear stained face turned towards Jonathon and glared, she hated the man. She hated him for hurting people. From watching what he was doing to Lambo it was all to clear that this man enjoyed hurting children. She hated the thought of how much other people had to go through to give Jonathon what he wanted.

Jonathon let go of the chain and reached over and grabbed one of her hands, and pulled it through the bars closer to him. He examined her hand for a while, turning her hand in different angles, each time he moved her hand, or applied some pressure she felt pain. No matter how hard she tried to pull her hand out of his grasp, he wouldn't let go. Eventually after examining her hand he began to clean her hand, then bandaged it, once done he did the same to the other hand as well.

In the mean time that Jonathon was tending to Amanda's wounds, the tenth generation all tried to break the cage by using their weapons. Gokudera used his dynamites, these dynamites had less than half the amount of power than the regular ones. If he had used a regular one he would have blown himself up, along with the others. Hibari used his tonfas against the bars, as well as Mukuro and Chrome, realizing that brute strength wouldn't get the anywhere they tried to light their flames only to have a small a very small flame come out. Enma and Tsuna had also gone into hyper mode, but their flame was so small that it wasn't of any help at all. From that small flame they tried to use it, but it did not damage at all against the cage.

Once Jonathon was done cleaning and bandaging Amanda's hands he then reached back into the cage and pulled her leg towards him. Slowly and as gently as he could he removed Amanda's boot. But even though he was being as gentle as possible Amanda felt horrible pain, to her it felt as if he had been stabbing her ankle. After having removed her boot Jonathon applied a small amount of pressure to her ankle, which caused her to scream out in pain. From looking at her ankle Jonathon knew that he had pulled the chain very hard, and either fractured her ankle or broke it. He looked at the ankle in his hands and sighed, he picked up the remaining of the bandages and wrapped it around her ankle. If her ankle had indeed been broken the bandage would at least keep her ankle in place and keep any further damage from happening.

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