3. To Have A Plan

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Aaron scoffed. "How do you think? I had a baby to lug around. You didn't cry much, but it was just an extra burden. I couldn't keep myself safe for long." He looked up at me and smiled. "I have the whole story, from after Charlie got separated from us... but it'll cost you."

"I was never interested in that. I want to know about the Protector stuff." I held up a hand to keep him from speaking. "We are going to let you out eventually, but only when we can fully trust you to help us."

"Use me for my resources, you mean."


"And if I refuse?"

"Why would you? The only other option you have is starving in this cell."

He laughed. "You wouldn't let me starve to death in here."

"Not to death, just starve."

He shook his head, smiling thoughtfully. "Not all monsters take the Protector myth seriously. It's just a story you hear about from time to time... after you become a monster. There're so many versions, though, that no one can tell if one or all of them are true, so we don't think about it much."

"Do you remember where you first heard it? We can start there—"


The suddenness of it made me jump. Aaron could see how surprised I was and looked away. He sighed. "You don't want to go there. We drop that now."

"Okay," I said quietly. His fists unclenched. "What about other places? Maybe we can find someone—" It hit me then.

Aaron looked up, back to his smiley self. "Got a light bulb moment?"

I scrambled to my feet. "We're not done." I ran to the ladder and climbed up as fast as I could. Charlie was on the far side of the room looking at the window. "Charlie—couldn't we use Zaika to find the next Protector?"


"No. That's not how it works."

I couldn't help feeling immediately defeated, but Charlie didn't. "You found Raj—you find people."

Zaika shifted in the sofa seat. "Yeah—people the asker has already met. Sometimes, the asker can just know someone who knows the person they're searching for. Emalie knew you and you knew Raj—his name, what he looked like or sounded like. It's a weak connection, but that's what I need, really: connections."

I went to go sit in a cushion chair closest to the kitchen. We occupied the living room like a meeting space; Saul had gone upstairs the second he saw me. "Do any of you remember where you first heard the Protector stuff? I'd thought about starting there."

"It'd be going up a long chain of storytellers," said Raj, "but that also means ticking off a lot of monsters."

"Some monsters who're more... gullible get bothered by the myth," said Zaika. "The drunks in The Broken Oak never liked hearing it."

"Then all that's left is the sage I'd spoken to," said Charlie. "She first told me about it. She might know more."

"You sure she can tell you where the next Protector is?" asked Raj. "I don't want to go all the way there for some vague rubbish like 'the answer's been inside you all along.' How direct was she with you?"

Charlie shrugged, crossing his arms. "She was... direct."

"Which means not at all," Zaika translated. "If you want real answers, faeries are the way to go. I might not be able to help you, but I know ones who will."

"Are they far?" I asked. Charlie shot me a look that I ignored. Maybe I seemed impatient, but I felt I was allowed.

"There're plenty in Shiverpool, the human town The Broken Oak is in. They'll definitely help you."

"Sounds too good to be true," Charlie said.

Zaika smiled. "Well, they would help if she didn't show up with vampires in tow.

"So the only other option is that she goes with just you? Forget it."

"You really think it's up to you? Emalie decides."

I didn't like everyone staring at me almost at once. Standing up made me feel bigger. "We've got time to decide things. Besides, once we leave here, I think we shouldn't come back."

"Why not?" Charlie asked.

"Doesn't seem safe. If we find the other two, we should go some place new. I'm going back to talk to Aaron—no, Charlie, you're not going with me. Raj, can I talk to you for a second? Outside?"

"Charlie," Zaika said as she stood, stretching out her wings, "why don't you read a vehicle for us to travel in? Don't want to waste time for Emalie." I didn't understand the smile she gave me—had to ask about that later—so I left Charlie with her.

Raj followed me outside. "You're taking control quite well."

"I don't think so, but whatever. How long do you plan to stay with us? Something more specific than just until Saul's... better."

Raj frowned in thought. "Well, as much as I wish to help you find the other Protectors, I mostly want to be with Olivia. I'll ask her if she wishes to join you—can't go wrong with a couple of werewolves behind your back, but we're not really fighters."

"I understand that, and I don't want to pressure you or anything."

"I'll most definitely go with you to The Broken Oak and ask the faeries."

"And Saul? You'll leave him here?"

"Is it a quick trip?"

"I don't know yet."

"Then I'll have him accompany us. It'll give him a chance to get used to being around monsters as a monster. We might even try a change if I can find another werewolf to help us out."

"Okay." I felt a little better. "Sounds like a good plan. I'll go and talk to Aaron now."

"Good luck with that." Raj smiled before heading back inside. Through the window I could see Charlie look back at me before following Zaika into the house, maybe to the garage. Every house had one.

I was slowly deciding that Zaika, Raj, Saul and I were going to Shiverpool so that I could speak with a faerie about the Protectors and where they could be. I felt less... heavy now that I had something to do, even if I didn't want to do it.

Aaron was still an option for later. Once we had the location of the first or even both Protectors, Aaron's status could get us places though, who knew if word had gotten out about his coven breaking apart. Maybe I had to assume everyone did know. We could instead use Aaron to help us find places to avoid. I was sure he had plenty of those. 


Sorry that it's later than I said I would post, but I ran into some issues.

The story's getting a little bit bigger. More characters are influencing the narrative, not just Emalie. I think I'll need to start including other POVs (points-of-view, narrators) in order to tell this second part right.

My question is whether I should or not. Would you want multiple POVs, or just Emalie narrating? Make yourself heard in the comments.

If multiple POVs becomes a thing, I'll put the narrator's name in the chapter title. I still want to use 1st person.

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