"Oh look, your pink elephant has wings."

"Don't make fun of him. And he's a pig Jules. Do we need to go back to kindergarten animal flashcards now?"

"So you're NOT FEELING GOOD huh?"

"Why are you answering a question with a question huh?"

"You don't sound sick to me."


Jules wiped her face as his spit landed on her cheek.

"You're disgusting I should annihilate you."

"Relax, babe. I got this from you anyways. You were sick last week remember?"

"You're not sick. I picked up dinner let's go back to see Heath."

Jules stood up from his bed and made her way to his walk-in closet attempting to step on the tiny areas of carpet that she could see hidden underneath the dirty laundry.

"It reeks in there by the way, my bad."

"Get up. Change. Here-"

Brandon stood up on his knees in the bed and grabbed her by both wrists.

They looked at each other for two seconds or maybe three until he tilted his head an kissed her softly on the cheek.

"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have planted a wet on right on your top lip."

"Yeah- I was gonna talk to you about that."

He got off the bed and took off his shirt as she sat down playing with his "pink elephant".

"Brandon- that? It can't happen again."

"What are you talking about?"

"The kissing, the looks, the touching- it has to stop."

He stopped midway through buttoning the top of his shirt and turned around to look at her.

"What looks, Jules? I look at you like that all the time." He smirked rotating around to pick up jeans from his ground pile on the closet floor.

"I'm serious. This was supposed to be a prank. It still is a prank we just have the hospital thing in the way right now but we're still doing it so-"

"Relax, Julia Henderson. I know the prank stuff is still a go. Heather wants us to do it anyways."

"Okay, yeah. But the way we've been acting recently feels too real to be a prank." She laughed nervously as he pulled down his gray sweatpants.

"It feels real, huh?"

"Yeah, and just- it needs to stop."

"Getting too difficult to resist the urges, huh?"

"Brandon, I'm SERIOUS."

"Look, Jules. When you dragged me into this mess I told you to promise me that you wouldn't fall for me."


She jumped as his finger touched her lips.

"I never promised to not fall for you."

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