Chapter Seven (Jump Than Fall)

Start from the beginning


that kiss that is all that is on mind, But it shouldn't be, Louis is my best pal, I can't do this to him, it is wrong! I have been waiting here forever, I know where he is, I knew when he ran but what do you say to your best friend right after you kiss the girl he is in love with? Is their anything you can say?

"LOU!" I see a figure running of the swing "STOP RUNNING!" I shout he must be so mad, he stops I run to catch up to him.

"Taylor was here" He says to me

"Look lou, I am sorry about that" I say to him "but I can't stop the feeling she gives me when I touch her" I say and look at ground.

"Shut up! that is not important right now" He says he looks panicked

"whats wrong?" I ask him

"It's Taylor, I kissed her, she ran, I heard her scream, I don't know where she went!" He says and starts running towards the water

Taylor, she can't be hurt, she has to be ok. Than I hear thunder over head and than I see lightening, and it starts pouring!

"TAYLOR!" me and Louis scream at the same time.

"TAYLOR!" I scream over and over again.

Me and louis start running towards the beach Louis only a few feet behind me I stop at the top of the stairs

"is that blood Haz?" Louis asks me when he catches up

"I don't know" I say we are both so shocked to even say anything, than Louis sprints done the stairs. "it looks like a trial?"

"Follow it" he says I can hear the hatred in his voice

"It has to be a good sign of she kept walking" I say, I don't know if I am trying to convince him or myself.

"Harry" he says in a low mumble and just points and than I see her on the ground, she looks lifeless.

"is she breathing?" I ask louis trying to hold back the tears, Louis is already crying.

"Call 9-1-1" He tells me and starts giving Taylor CPR.

It felt like forever, but it had only been 10 minutes when the ambulance showed up.

They started asking me and louis questions about what happened. But all I am worried about is Taylor.

This can't be happening, she has to be okay? She is going to be okay. she is going to be okay. Please god let her be okay.


"do you know how long she has been out?" The medic asks me.

"I don't know" I say trying to contain my tears "is she okay?" I ask the medic that's all I wanna know is if she okay, she has to be okay. They aren't answering me they just keep pushing it off


(1 Hour Later)

"Is she okay!" Selena comes running into the hospital and up to me

"I don't know we haven't heard anything" I say

Selena starts crying.

"she has to be okay" She says to me

"she will be" I say trying to comfort her and maybe even myself

"I am gonna call her mother, and tell her what is going on" Selena says

"Okay" I say back. Harry comes and sit's next to me

"I got you coffee" He says and hands me a cup

"thanks" I say back still mad at him

"i'm sorry" Harry says to me

"How could you?" I ask him still in shock that he would do that to me.

"You know how perfect she is" He says and looks at the ground "her perfect smile, her laugh, her eyes, how funny and sweet she is" He says.

I'm not stupid. I was the one that dated her for two years.

"She was mine" I say back "and will be mine again" I tell him " so you need to back off"

"I can't do that" He says to me "Even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to, I have never felt this way about anybody before"

"you say that about every girl" I tell him and roll my eyes.

"You can be a jerk sometimes Lou" He says, Oh I am the jerk!

"at least I don't go having sex with my best friends Ex-girlfriend, that he still loves!" I yell at him

"she isn't yours anymore LOU!" he screams back we both stand up.

"BASTARD!" I yell at him

"DICK!" he screams back.

Harry punches me, I punch back, next thing I know me and Harry are wrestling on the ground.

"Guys!" A girl screams and pulls us apart. "what is going on! People are filming!" It is Selena

"he trying to steal my girlfriend!" I tell her loud enough for Harry to hear, he comes back at me.

"STOP!' Selena screams at both of us again

"she isn't your girlfriend anymore" he says, I want to hit him again but I control myself.

"She isn't anyone girlfriend" Selena says "sit both of you, you're acting like idiots"

we both sit down in chairs, we calm down a little but I don't plan on talking to Harry ever again.

"Who is here for ms.Swift" A doctor comes out of a room

Me, Harry, and Selena all stand up.

"she is awake, she has requested to see one of you" The doctor says me and Harry step forward and Selena sit back down and takes out her phone probable to tell Taylor's mom.

It's has to be me.


I step up because me and Taylor have gotten so close and it is obviously me she want's to see me.
I am her best friend.
And soon to be boyfriend.

And now that my friendship with Louis is over their is nothing standing in the way.


WHO DOES TAYLOR WANT TO SEE!!!! still comment who you want Taylor to end up with!! Comment, Vote, Share

well until next time


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