A gift from a friend, Or family

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For once in a long while, I was alone again. It was so cold. I was stuck in a dark room, in the corner, waiting to go outside. I was reminded of all the painful times I had in Drachen, how I wished to sit in a cold corner of my cell and be left alone. Was this place another prison, or a haven?

I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't feel anything, I was just sitting in pools of blood, with the corpses of my parents in front of me. The only thing I could see was through the beast's eyes. It was just killing anyone that fired upon it. I couldn't bring myself to look at the bodies, it would only make my cry more. This...thing that runs through my veins is killing me, it's only goal is to ruin the peace that I want so badly, is that so much to ask for?

"Apparently it is." A voice spoke, the voices I keep hearing are returning. I suppose it was to happen at some point. "Tell me, if you could have changed one thing about your story so far, what would it be?" The voice asked as it came closer. It looked like a...corpse, my corpse.

"One thing? Let me think...that maybe I died in Wyngeria like I should have? Everyone would be much better without me. I'm just a target." The figure knelt down in front of me, "I could see why, you have one of the kindest hearts in this world. Well, comparing me to myself in a sense."

I stood up, "Are you here to mock me?" I pulled the katana off my back and unsheathed it, it had turned silver with a light blue mist around it. "Father left you a good gift, didn't he?" He pulled the same style katana off his back, except his was shatteredand corroded. "I got nothing but an arrow to the skull." He stood and kicked my stepfather's body, cursing him over and over.

"Stop, he didn't do anything wrong!" I cried as I pushed him away and stood in front of the bodies. "Don't you dare disrespect them in this way. Father may not have been close with us, but his heart did well to be an example for us." The imitation started laughing maniacally "Oh that's hilarious! You still care! Even as you ruin everything everyone has worked for!"

I covered my ears with one hand and shoulder as I sheathed my blade and carried the bodies to the corner with me, keeping them close and away from the imitation before he attempted to desecrate them again. "You really cared about them didn't you?" the imitation said even with my ears covered. "You could've been the prince your mother wanted you to be. Your father would have had an alliance with most of Peurotisil." He paused for a bit, "You could see your beloved little ray of hope, your sister." He said it with a little hiss.

"They're much stronger than I am you know." He stopped smiling and stared with malice. "You're a half breed, you don't know how powerful you are compared to them." I clenched my fist, "No, normal humans are nowhere near as weak as you believe. Why do you think that there aren't more half breeds like me? No, they were afraid of people like me." a sly smile appeared on his face before he plunged his shattered blade into me. "So you're certain you will die here?" He asked with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Is that fear in your eyes?" I asked as he backed away, with the shattered blade still in my chest. "You...You think I can just diewith you? What if I affected your brother, your Knightshades, your citizens." I stood up. "They can fight it. Shuji is stronger than you by far. Lance and Molarus are prepared if they've met with Faylinn."

The citizens are strong like their king." He gave a nervous chuckle "Your sister then, your descendants, any one who is weak in the min-urk!" I had held him against the wall by his throat a few inches above the ground. "My descendants will live, anyone else will throw you out for the trash you are. But Faylinn, oh my sweet little rose, touch her and I will kill you, regardless of whatyou are."

I dropped him to the ground and he scrambled away. "Please, have mercy on me." he said as I rose the katana above my head. "If you wanted mercy. You should have asked earlier." I let the katana fall as the hair on him turned white, along with mine.


The dragon was falling away, there was blood in my mouth and all over me, and I was so tired. I looked at my dragonstone which had shattered. I looked in my other hand, the katana was glowing as it had in my mental cage. Lance had the point of his blade at my neck, Molarus's bow was primed and burning, and Janggo, his body was on the ground, his skull crushed under his own hammer and a large bit of flesh missing from his side.

I calmly walked over to his body and covered it with a cloth. "Good night my friend, why you came out here, I don't know. And I'm sorry for breaking your hammer. You poor, poor bastard."

Lance had walked up behind me. "Reflet, are you?" I rose my hand, shutting him up. "How many are dead?" He turned to Molarus who gave him the answer in a form of sign language. "Too many, from all sides." I nodded, doing my best not to show too much reaction. "Take me with you." I said finally, "They won't want a murderous beast as a king."

He gave a smirk and started to speak. "I swear to Valla, if you say anything about the matter, I will replace your eyes with your testicles." I heard Molarus snickering in the back. "He wasn't going to. He was going to tell you to turn around." A familiar voice said.

I turned slowly, almost fainting with what I saw. The soldiers I was leading, they were kneeling? Shuji had kneeled as I turned. "I think you'd find that you'd be wrong, brother. We do not blame you for what you can not control, we appreciate the thought ofyou protecting us as you did it. We are proud to have a crown prince like you."

I felt a smaller person embrace me from behind, "And no matter what you do, I'm glad I ran across you in the woods that day." Iturned suddenly and the masked fighter sheathed her blade and took away her mask. "Hello again Scales. I guess I got to meet a dragon after all."

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