On the run.

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As I shoved past the stunned guards who were staring at the king's body, I gave the friendlier one his dagger back and burst through the door. I was free! No, not yet, first you have to get out. I told myself. I ran throughout the halls hiding occasionally from the guards. "Find the White Blood! Find him and kill him!"

I eventually decided that the best course of action was to find supplies and leave this godforsaken place, I couldn't trust the Wyngerians for I knew not what kind of people they are. I can't stay here at any costs, yes, running seems safer. I spent my time looking for an armory or a lab of any kind, I can't fight off the guards on my own, not without a weapon. The towers in this place are enormous, I suppose it was a trick of the illusion mages here. At the top of the tower there were many sounds of sparks and the smell of smoke.

Elemental Combat magic I guess, not my preference but it'll do. "When do you think the White Blood will awaken?" I heardone of them ask. "I estimate within the next year or two, he's only eleven isn't he?"

I paid no attention to whatever they were discussing, I needed to leave and soon. I was able to grab a hooded cloak and abag with some books in it. I turned my head towards the mages making sure they didn't notice me. As I ran back down the tower, I slipped the cloak on over my torn clothes and ripped off the bandages over my eye. Reluctantly I opened it, it was bright at first and I was relieved as tears flowed from it. Perfect, Now I can- oh shit! I managed to duck a greatsword swung at my neck and pulled the hood over my face.

I could only rely on what the war prisoners taught me to avoid matters too large from me. From the looks of the armor, thesoldier was a general of the Striker class. His bear shaped helm seemed to be alive. I looked into my bag after retreating a bit and smirked, they were tomes. I pulled out a burgundy colored one and focused, Maybe if I just..There! I thrust my hand out and sent a ball off smoke and fire hurtling at the general's head.

Caught ya off guard fucker!

The ball hit and sent him flying against the wall and some of his armor fell off, I had no time to focus on the fight. I shut thebook and started running toward the throne room, towards the only exit I know of. My hand had been burning the entire time, maybe I can get that healed. I took a look at it and it was blistered.

The symbol left a sickening thought in my head, it meant "Hell's demon", a symbol of disgrace in this land, but to others it could mean that I am someone to be feared, a dragon in direct translation.

I poked my head into the throne room and looked around, four guards, all lancers, intermediate levels. I could just run it couldn't I? No, they would catch me before I made it five feet. I looked through my bag and pulled out a green tome. Healing, maybe later. Maybe the white one? I examined the inside of the white one and determined it as wind magic. Hardly useful in close combat, but less noticeable. Here goe-

"Where is his highness? Saelkar Plythus has been waiting for too long." I turned to see a Wyngerian foot soldier addressing one of the guards. "I'm sorry, we can't allow that as of now. There's been a murder." The Wyngerian jerked his head toward the door, Had he seen me? Too late. I thrust my hand out and a green blade of wind hit the guard closest to me.

Immediately the Wyngerian drew his sword and stabbed the guard who was speaking to him, he looked at me and yelled "Run boy! We know of their crimes, leave us to them! A surge of the yellow knight burst from nowhere and ran past me. I took the chance and ran, stopping only to take a short sword from a fallen guard.

It's so close! I can be free! I wiped the tears from my left eye as my bare feet ran across the wooden bridge and onto the soft grass of the nearby woods. I looked back at the palace and saw it in flames, with the Wyngerian banner hanging from an undamaged tower.

As I pushed past the branches of the trees, I fixed the sword to the back of my waist just over the tomes. This is my beginning. This is the life of an unfortunate soul.

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