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"You're sure we can trust them?" Elize had asked me after I explained what Molarus had told me. "Yes mistress,They've requested assistance before, only to have violence as a response. I do believe it is time we reach a hand out to them." Elize started coming over to me. "Fay, I've trusted you for so long and you've been a good friend to me. Is a visit to Ximodo along with Maekalythia truly to be beneficial?"

"Of course milady, I promise."



"They've accepted." Lance said, "You did well." He leaned outside and barked orders before I spoke, "Why do we need this, father? What does a trip to Ximodo give us?" He went into his room and started suiting up. putting Faylinn's greatsword and his own on his back. "An army, to stand up against Wyngeria.-' "By Naga's- You sent away Reflet to get you an army!" I shouted. "Molarus calm yourself," he started. "No! You sent him to get his people killed! He doesn't want to fight, Lance! He's wanted to become strong enough to go home and have a family again! Gods damn it!" I pounded my fist on the wall, hoping for any pain to calm my senses at least a little.

"You didn't let me finish Molarus." Lance said quietly. "I'm not going to live through the war, odds are against me here. I want his newer family and friends around him as we invite him home." I straightened up a little, "Are you saying that we-" "Yes, but we mustn't alert anyone about it."



"This world has been cruel to you hasn't it?" My father asked. "The important thing is that I'm here now, I'm ready to complete the family again." I said calmly, not wanting to talk about the past. My mother and brother had walked inside with us as we sat down to overlook the courtyards. "It's nice view isn't it?" My mother asked, "We used to keep you from jumping off the railing because you believed you could fly. You were always so imaginative when you were younger." Shuji sat next to me and kept his eyes on me with an inquisitive look on him.

"You haven't been here a full day and Kanon already has taken a liking to you. He said that he's glad to have met someone with a great interest in their own culture and that they're sympathetic and obedient." He said, "He got that much from me already?" Shuji nodded "One of his many abilities is to spell out someone's character at a glance. It's needed for his task." I looked around for Kanon to see if he was near. "Where is Kanon?" My mother replied "He's out on patrol while you're here, he'll be back soon."

Shuji stood up and turned to me "Reflet would you like to spar? I mean, I would hope you know how to fight since you crossed an entire country." Father looked at me curiously without saying a word. "I suppose I could try, I've had a bit of experience." Shuji's face started beaming as he grabbed my hand and ran down to the practice area, making sure to grab some swords on the way.

He ran us outside to the small round platform and drew a katana. He waved and Father who rose his hand, signaling that we may start. I, in turn, drew my broadsword and held it at my side with my other arm over my chest, ready to use some techniques that I was taught in Maekalythia.

For a split second, it was silent.

Once the second ended Shuji had launched himself at me before I could react. I was barely able to block a blow swung at my face, but he kept on coming. 'From the the left! No lower! Stay focused!' said the voice in my head. I had half a mind to start cursing at it. Shuji kept advancing and pushing me back. Every time I'd rebound his blade, he would use the momentum to strike harder than before.

I took a step forward, allowing our blades to lock. He looked excited, like it was something he'd been waiting for forever. As he pulled his blade away, I took the chance to leap over his head and strike at it. He blocked, but he looked like he was barely able to do so. As I landed behind him, he thrust his blade at me. I attempted a parry and ended up running towards him, my blade sliding and sparking along his.

"Shit!" he cried as I dealt a kick to his chest, nearly knocking him over. Unfortunately for me, he regains balance quickly. He kept swinging his blades in short little swipes, rebounding off every attack I managed to block or dodge. "I'll give you this," I stated while ducking his blade, "You really know how to put people on the defensive!' He grinned at my just before he nearly cut my hair with the blade. "And you don't seem to want to throw a single blow! Are you afraid you'll hurt me or something?" I took the chance while he was speaking to try and use combat magic. It was like a gentle pool of water formed around my blade. I remember this, I was able to do this with Molarus's bow! Is this the magic I've inherited? Shuji took my hesitation to activate his own.

Millions of glass and crystal shards formed upon his blade, almost making it look like it was frozen instead. The water from my blade flew off and swirled around me, blocking the attacks that were too fast for me, like tentacles of a sea creature. Shuji took a stance and managed to cut right through them, then disarmed me with his blade at my neck. "Your kindness will get you killed, brother." he said as he sheathed his sword. "Yes, but I will die without regret if I do so." I said as I put up my own.

I could hear my mother clapping as we came back inside, "You two were wonderful! Your was father was impressed." I looked around for him. "Where is he?" "Right here, not to worry." He was holding my dragon stone, examining it inquisitively, "A gift from a friend, nothing much to worry about." I answered quickly. He stared at me for a bit, "Of course, if it is what you say it is." He said with a suspicious look on his face.


Upon examination of the dragon stone, it looked more pure than it had before. I dismissed Kanon as I went into my room to sleep for the night. As I lay in bed, I couldn't stop having questions run through my head. "Is every fighter in Ximodo that tough? And why did Father's expression suddenly change with me? Lance...what the hell were you thinking, sending me home this early in the war? For once, I actually want to get involved! As little as I know them, they're my friends."

My eyes still did not feel heavy, "I'll have to tire myself out then." I peeked outside the room to make sure no one was there. I had my dragon stone in hand as I attempted to creep outside. "Where are you going at this hour?" Said Shuji behind me. I turned slowly, "You know you're aren't supposed to be out this late without your retainer." he said sternly, "Neither should you." I snapped.

He was silent until I reached the doorway of the hall, "What did they do to you?" I pretended to be confused at the question. "What do you mean?" He followed me outside. "I have somewhere to talk, just...not here." He grabbed my arm before I could say anything and led me away.

We came upon a lake than seemed to glow in the moonlight, the treeline hiding any path we may have taken here. He sat down with me at a small deck and started to relax. "So, answer my question. Why are you different than I remember?" He asked quietly. "I have to be honest, I have no idea what I was like before, All my past was before was pain and hurt, most of my morals I've learned from war prisoners, I'm considered a weapon in Peurotisil. It was quite the ride to get here." I stood up, "I-I have something to show you, but you mustn't tell mother or father." he stood up and nodded.

I held my stone to the sky, allowing the scales to rip themselves onto the outer layer of my skin, my shoulderblades sprouted into wings, a large spined tail appeared on me, and the dragon's antlers appeared on my head. Shuji stood speechless, his arms crossed over his chest. "How long have you been able to do this?" he asked after a silence. I shrugged my shoulders, "Around three years I suppose." I said as the draconic limbs fell to the ground as droplets of water.

"You're dabbling in dangerous affairs brother. If it's possible, never use it in anyone's presence. You don't want anyone seeing you as a god here." He could tell I was confused by these words. "Let me explain it better for you." My father's voice said behind me, I turned behind me to see him come out of the shadows. "Should you use that here, you'll be hunted as a demon of hell."

His face became featureless, two katanas had suddenly burst through my chest, there was nothing but black and me falling into a puddle of my own blood.

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