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I was just a child, about three or four when it happened. My father and mother were royalty and kind rulers, I had no siblings as far as I could remember, but I never really felt alone when I was in my bedroom.

My father had always wanted me to become a knight, no thank you, something about brutes in armor slaughtering on command didn't seem interesting to me, maybe it was my mother's personality affecting me.

I was always stared at because my hair and eyes were each two different colors.

My hair was always black with a few light gray streaks in them and my eyes couldn't ever decide on a color, half the time they were blue, five minutes later they would be green. But enough about my appearance, back to the story. One day my mother had decided to take me looking for spellbooks, I never asked why, I just loved my mother above all else.

If you were a mage or grand wizard, would you use tomes or wands or just incantations? She asked me one day, and in reply I said "I really wouldn't care, I want to help in any way I can, even if I'm not old enough."

We had spent the day together walking around, and playing in the parks around the city, it could've been the happiest day of my life! And the bastards tried to- I'm sorry, I'm out of sorts. We were on our way home and- oh gods, I can't remember. All I can glimpse was blood on my hands, someone picking me up and knocking me out.

Reflet, Please tell me you can hear me, Reflet! Open your eyes!

Present Time

I woke up to a cold stony floor, a jail cell, I looked around the room and noticed the breakfast tray- all eaten...damned rats. I got up off the ground and wiped the dirt off my tunic, I took my daily stare at the shackles binding my arms, trying to spot any weakness in them.

"Kid, his highness says get a move on, the people aren't going to wait forever." How could I forget? All the "people" want to see is a child being made fun of in front of the court. I turned my head to the guard and spat on him. Immediately I got a sharp kick to the stomach. "Fuck you, you bastard, I hope you are dragged into the Abyss and beaten with a rock" I said in between coughs and groans.

I walked up the steps of the dungeon with the guard's spear at my back. I hate this place, the only glimpse I have of the outside world is through the windows I pass by. I looked out one of them and felt my heart dropped to my feet, the filled the moat with corpses, the corpses of the war prisoners I always talked to. It was always great to hear the stories that they had, now I have to tell them to the children here.

I walked into the hall and the guard took my shackles off, sick fucks, The "king" was an imposter, claiming to be my father in public, oh how I wish I had a knife on me. The king stood up and walked to me, "Ah Sol, how lovely of you to join me." he said, "My name is Reflet, and you damn well know this, Someday I will have your head for taking me from my home." He waved his hand dismissively "Yeah yeah, I've heard that many a time before, and you still fail at it." He leaned to my ear "You are actually very lucky I didn't leave you to the beast shifters, they rip apart any prey the can find, when they find it. You should be thanking me-" I glared and screamed at him "Shut up! I'd rather you had done that instead of keep me here! I saw the moat, how dare you kill innocent people?"

I would've continued if the trumpets didn't blare, announcing that we had a visitor. The "king" leaned to me "Assume the usual act and those deaths will lessen, okay Sol?" I bit my lip and nodded.

You would love to see the old man die wouldn't you?

I looked around for the voice that said that, and let my eyes relax on the many soldiers clad in steel or leather with yellow cloaks. Their banner had the strangest of symbols.

It was a rune I could not read, and I took the liberty of learning many languages from the prisoners. "Hail Wyngeria!" They all yelled in harmony. Three men on horseback came forward, "Introducing the Knightshades and Plythus IronHeart! Warriors of Peurotsill!"

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