two year Q and A answers

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Q: What's the first fandom you were in?

A: Hmm...probably the 1D fandom, honestly. I think it was August 2013 and I was really into them for a while but I kept it a secret for like 3 months because I was scared that my brothers were going to make fun of me about it (which they did and still do sometimes even though I'm not really into them anymore). I think 1D was like my gateway music fandom, because I found out about 5SOS through them and that made me get into a lot of other music.

Q: What made you join Wattpad?

A: My friend told me I should get an account back in spring 2014 (over 2 years ago now) so I could read her Harry Potter fanfics, actually. That was on my old account, which I never actually deleted, so it's still out there and gaining followers somehow even though I only ever go on there to read stuff now. My writing has really developed since then...

Q: Top 5 favorite songs by 5SOS?

A: Oh god, this is going to be impossible but I guess I won't go in order or anything: Catch Fire, Castaway, Over and Out, Disconnected, and San Fransisco (I hate to choose!).

Q: Are you going to Sounds Live Feels Live?

A: Yes! I'm going July 1st, so if anyone who reads this is going to that one, PLEASE TELL ME! It would be so cool to meet people there, especially since the person I was going to go with can't go anymore and I just have a ticket for me and a ticket for no one...

Q: What's the meaning behind your username?

A: In all honesty, there isn't really a meaning. I just came up with it one day and thought "Hey, I should make a 5SOS Wattpad account and call it 5sauce_and_spaghetti!". The name has stuck for a year and a half now, so I guess I did a pretty good job.

Q: Which girl are you? Ashton? Michael? Calum? Luke?

A: I struggle so much with this question! I started out as an Ashton girl, which I admit I revert back to every once in a while, but I think I'm a Calum girl. I love all the boys as equally as I can, but I think I call myself a "____ girl" whenever I'm most concerned about that boy. Sort of in a motherly sense though, you know? I remember when there was a lot of drama with Calum a while back and I sort of rose up to defend him, and I've been stuck with him since then.

Q: Which 5SOS boy would be your brother?

A: AH! Oh my god, I don't know...I guess Michael? I love him so much, but I think I would want him to be more of a best friend than a brother. He's just such a dork and I would love to just sort of cuddle with him all the time.

Q: Song you recently found that you can't stop singing?

A: Probably "Keeper" by With Confidence or something off of the album Crybaby by Melanie Martinez.

Q: Favorite movies?

A: I LOVED DEADPOOL! I went to see it with some friends and my brother and it was so hilarious. Other than that, I would probably have to say Pitch Perfect.

Q: Favorite TV shows?

A: I'm on season 4 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer right now, so I'd definitely say that, along with Doctor Who. I really want to start watching Supernatural, too, but I don't have Netflix so I don't have any way to :(

Q: Favorite books?

A: I really like this book called Five Flavors of Dumb. It's about a deaf girl who has to help a really bad band get a gig within like two months, and it's so good. I'm also a fan of pretty much anything Rick Riordan writes, along with the Harry Potter series.

Q: What's your favorite food?

A: Does chocolate count? I hope chocolate counts.

Q: Do you like anime?

A: In all honesty, I've wanted to get into it, but I haven't really had the time to. I watched a couple of seasons of dubbed-over Naruto when I was younger (I know, I know, subtitles are better than watching it dubbed) but since then I haven't really gotten into any. I might try to at some point over the summer, though, if I have the time.

Q: Have you met 5sos?

A: God, I wish. When I went to see them last September for ROWYSO, a random guy actually gave my mom 4 VIP tickets, so we got to sit like 14 rows from the stage, but my friend and I didn't end up getting to meet them. It just meant we got to go in a little early and have free wifi for about half an hour. It was really fun though. I daydream about meeting them a lot, if that counts...

Q: Does this account represent you?

A: I would say so. I'm kind of a weird person with a dark writing sense and a weird sense of humor. Just looking at my account background, profile pic, and name sort of shows all of that. And if you read my books, like the Superhero series, you can definitely see my dark writing yeah, I'd say this account represents me pretty well.

Q: I'm a Michael girl myself so I want to know... what's your favorite hair color on him?

A: Oh my god that's hard...I don't know, I kind of want to say red, but at the same time I really like his current brown. Is that okay? Did I pass the 5SOS fangirl test?

Thanks so much to everyone who asked a question! Sorry I took so long to publish this. I've been really busy over the past couple of week and I honestly forgot about it! I'm pretty happy with my answers, though. I'll be back to 5SOS stuff soon :)

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