new logo rant

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Honestly, I didn't even know about all this logo drama until yesterday. Yes, I want the old logo back because it means so much to all of us and it's been around for so long (plus it's on, like, all the merch), but we need to realize that, for the moment, there's not a ton we can do about it. The boys are on tour, enjoying themselves and not really thinking about any of this. Spamming them about it might just get annoying to them after a while. The hashtag is cool and all, and it's great that it's getting popular. Just don't bug the boys too much, please. Let them enjoy their tour like they have been so far. I personally think the new logo is kind of cool, even if it isn't the tallies. Just relax a little bit, guys. Let them live a little for the moment. Enjoy the tour pictures, the videos, the tweets and posts they send out. Just be happy for them right now. The suing thing will be resolved. Don't worry too much, please.


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