River Night

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Alone sat a girl,
along the river side at night.
Listening to the sounds
of lapping waves and
watching the twinkling stars.☆

All of a sudden she started weeping,
remembering all that she's been through.
Surrounded by the cold but refreshing breeze,
She looked upon the sky,

Watching the clouds take different shapes.
In moonlight the shadows danced,
The nature sounds a soothing lullaby,
Which soon ended the tears.

She sat there thinking...

Life was playing games with her
where she was unable to retrace her steps.

Sometimes you just don't know
the reason of weeping
tears come on their own.

You just long for a shoulder to rest on
and a person to tell you everthings gonna be alright.



Please have a look at my book Stranded! It would mean the world to me.😊❤.

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