t e n~pt. 2

22 2 1

Kasha Jane, Orion, 3rd POV

She waited. Taking the high quality wristwatch, punching in the morse code. Grinning, then taking it back to the stream, and throwing it. Plop. Rippleee.


"Where's Cactus?"
The cave was dark, she could only see the dark shirt stand out.
"She left. She's with the people who put us here. I bet her sister is too and she only got taken so you would be dragged out here." I muttered. "W-what..?" He looked as if he saw his brother turn into a shark or something. "We need to go find her." Orion sprang up like a spring, snatching his bag.

"No, she's long gone anyways." My eyes shifted to the forest. "Then we need to find Kai and Lauren." He stood tall, waiting for me. "No Orion, stay here for a while." "No." He took one last look at me and ran into green abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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